Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Lunch Time Warriors

Marching students pause to pose in front of Student Union

Why is it protests at UMass always seem to start at high noon an end pretty much by 2:00 PM?

At least the one at Amherst College went on for a few days and actually occupied a building (Frost Library) with students of color pulling a good old fashioned sit in. Of course that ended recently and a month from now pretty much everyone will forget what it was over in the first place.

The UMass protest this afternoon was well organized, although the followers could have used enunciation lessons as they marched to the Student Union, as it was hard to understand what they were chanting.

And then when they did get to Whitmore Administration building the chanting was more understandable but did not really give a clue about what they were protesting.

 Protesters form a circle at entrance to Whitmore Administration Building

So whatever they were protesting, the assistant Chancellor promised to get back to them by Friday with an emailed response.

Polite Whitmore employee holding the door open for protesters

Otherwise the black lady with a bull horn said she'd be back.


  1. They were chanting, "Larry get a hearing aid."

  2. Watch it or I'll sue you for age discrimination.

  3. 2 of the pics are blank on your page, Larry

  4. back up back up - we want freedom freedom / all these racist admins - we don't need 'em need 'em

  5. Those are videos. Blogger is a little weird with video.

    If I get motivated I'll upload to Youtube and then republish.

  6. Ahhh... I remember the good ol' days when I used to protest things I didn't fully understand or actually care all that much about. Actually the only reason I even showed up was because my professor at the time ended class early so she could walk us down to the protest. The chants have become painfully more mindless though since my time.

    1. Thanks kids, for drawing our attention to the difficulties of being in the minority. Gee, I had no idea it was so tough on some people. You know, because of your protesting, I've decided to continue being the person I was before your acts. Now if you just get the POTUS to get the racism out of his Own DNA... Yes, Obama says we have racism in our DNA. Well I don't have it in mine. And my parents didn't have it in their's.

  7. I notice that they still aren't enforcing the picketing code....

  8. I believe the word you want to enunciate is enunciation, Larry. Not annunciation. There is no such word as annunciation.

    1. Of course there is such a word as Annunciation. Google it for the definition.

  9. Thanks. My 3rd grade English didn't didn't always enunciate so well.

  10. Larry, There will be nun of that. Don't blame your teacher.

  11. Annuciation. Nothing to do with nuns. Funny though.

  12. BLM is in favor of killing cops . I will never give them support. Nor should anyone.
