Monday, November 16, 2015

A Queen Falls Hard

Holly Holm threw 8 kicks total and they all landed 

You know an athlete has reached the tipping point for media saturation when their choice of a presidential candidate makes national coverage, even if it is Bernie Sanders.

No one has done more for the sport of Mixed Martial Arts than Ronda Rousey.  She became a revered symbol -- a unique combination of brains, beauty and bravado -- in a sport where bloody violence sometimes turns off mainstream viewers.

Going into her latest title defense with Holly Holm she was the overwhelming favorite, and obviously she believed the hype.

But this is America, and we love the underdog.  Thus her stunning loss via knockout -- a head kick no less -- was widely celebrated.

Football aficionados use the term "On any given day" to promote parity in that other sport that can also be a tad violent.

If outcomes were all but guaranteed it kind of spoils the thrill of watching.  And paying for those rights to spectate.

As John F Kennedy once said, "Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan."

I hope Ronda takes her loss to heart, trains harder, and comes back with a renewed respectful attitude we can all be proud of. 


  1. A woman knocked out by a kick to the head.
    Exactly what part of "Violence Against Women" does that not constitute?

    My point is that there is an inherent logical inconsistency between our opposition to "Violence Against Women" (as opposed to violence against anyone) and things like this. Not to mention things like women in combat MOS slots and even female police officers.

    Much as one can't be half pregnant, women are either fully equal to men or they aren't -- we can't have it both ways. So exactly what part of "Violence Against Women" does this not constitute???

    1. The part that says this violence is voluntary and sport. The women CHOOSE to participate. What part of "voluntary" does this not constitute. Stop trying to get the redt of us to think the way you lefties do.

  2. It's not called the School of Hard Knocks for nothing. She got knocked hard.

  3. Larry's head photoshopped on Ronda's body - priceless

  4. I second that emotion.

  5. Don't get caught in the myth Ed related to the term "violence against women" and the lopsided legislation Violence Against Women Act.

    Beyond fraud, waste, duplication, non-accountability, false accusations, and the denial of civil rights, the blatantly obvious problem with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is that women constitute only about half of the true victims of domestic violence. The other half is made up of men, and they receive absolutely zero protections and services from VAWA.

    Never mind that “progressives” proclaim to all who will listen that they are covering all victims — they are not. What is needed is new domestic violence legislation that is science-based and victim-centered, rather than based on false gender ideology. The consistently replicated bottom line of empirical research studies, as opposed to politicized ideology, is that domestic violence initiation and victimization is very close to 50-50 on virtually all indexes.

    Decades of consistently replicated social science research shows that domestic violence is initiated about equally by men and women; that slightly more women than men are physically harmed, but that men nonetheless represent more than 40 percent of the physically harmed victims; that the domestic violence initiation rates for women, and especially young women, have been rising; and that the domestic violence rates for bisexuals, gays, and lesbians all are higher than for heterosexual couples.

    Many women's groups push old, false statistics in order to keep federal funding coming, and to keep their jobs in the "men against women" industry, but one can't ignore the real statistics. One doesn't have to look very far, there is study after study to show that domestic violence is NOT a male on female phenomenon.

    For instance, according to a 2011 national survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Department of Justice, in that 12 month period more men than women were victims of intimate partner physical violence and over 40% of severe physical violence was directed at men. Men were also more often the victim of psychological aggression and control over sexual or reproductive health. Despite this, few services if any are available to male victims of intimate partner violence.

    Myths are hard to break and many of these groups that get funding to support the false notion of male on female violence twist realty to make men abusers and women victims. Sadly, neither of those statements are true when you look at the real numbers and the many published peer review on the subject from the last 20 years.

  6. Larry the wannabe soldier, fireman, policeman and now professional fighter. Just wave the flag Larry and report on what u know best, Amherst.

  7. This I'd Pay to see!


  8. Actually I was 7-0 in full contact karate.

  9. Anon 7:04

    It just proves by clicking anonymous that you don't need to have your facts straight.

  10. Time for the video again... don't be so humble Larry. RM

  11. Your A punk whose day has long past. Go wave that flag that you have no connection to , have your meaningless blog of shit you never got over and never will.

  12. Anon 5:10
    It also proves by clicking anonymous that you don't need to have balls either.

  13. what anon 5:10 doesn't understand is that the lessons learned from the discipline and hard work required to compete at a high level in the martial arts can be applied to anything you want to try to achieve later in life, or something like that.

  14. You can say that again.

    Or something like that.
