Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Party House(s) of the Weekend

265 North East Street

This weekend set a new a record for Party House incidents so far this semester.  Two.  Yes, nothing compared to the bad old not so long ago when four or five Party Houses resulting in arrests disturbed the peace quiet of numerous neighborhoods all over town.

But still enough to make me worry about this upcoming Halloween weekend -- especially considering the presence of a top ingredient for potential explosiveness:  good weather.

The winner out of the two Party Houses would have to be 265 North East Street, from sheer size alone.  And of course all the things that go along with a crowd that large in a house zoned for a  dozen.

Both APD and AFD were tied up dealing with the party crowd thus leaving the rest of the town less protected.

Click to enlarge/read
ETOH = dangerously drunk
In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday all four defendants had their criminal cases converted to civil with payment of a $300 fine for Town By Law "Noise" violation,  the unlicensed keg charge was "placed on file" until 5/15/16 and the "Nuisance" charge they were found "not responsible."

Dylan Estes, age 21, arraigned before Judge John Payne
Dylan Naples, age 21
William Nadai, age 20
Greg Gagnon, age 22

 233 Strong Street
Jake McDermott, Ryan Grady and Daniel Legmann stand before Judge John Payne with their private attorney


  1. What's the point of posting this?

  2. What's the point in posting any public document?

  3. Hey maybe you should find some better things to do with your time

  4. Maybe you should learn how to party a little more quietly.

  5. A) usually, the point is to spread ideas/interests that either interest you or other people;
    B) no one else gives a crap about this, so I agree with anon - maybe you should find some better things to do with your time

  6. Also, before you go ahead and assume, neglecting to seek out the facts, Larry, there was NO party at Strong st
    You're a blind reporter

  7. Yes, I'm sure your gospel singing class just got a tad too enthusiastic. For the 4th time in four months.

  8. I'm glad you're proud to have that knowledge
    So childish

  9. Concerned Amherst ResidentOctober 27, 2015 at 8:22 PM

    This might be fun for you Larry Kelley, but as an Amherst resident, I am ashamed of this blog. These students are looking to enter the workforce and the last thing they need right now is a negative blog post on the internet about them. I don't understand what you get from doing this. Perhaps you should speak with these young men and hearing their side of the story before publicly shaming them.

    We want to build a better relationship with the students here and this kind of activity is only propagating the problem.

  10. Replies
    1. Speech. Free speech. Guaranteed by the Constitution.

  11. These kids walk out of court with nothing no their record almost every single time. Yet a Google search turns up their name on this blog. If the law doesn't care, Larry, neither should you. Kids are kids, they make mistakes and it isn't their fault.

    Oh, and to the Concerned Amherst Resident above, students in the past have reached out to Larry and apologized hoping to have their name removed from the blog, and he has denied them. Building a relationship with the students is not part of Larry's agenda. (Neither is saying anything positive about UMass...)

  12. This is a university town. Umass amherst creates over half the employment, students >50% of Amherst population - and both are the source for amherst's economic life. What is it that you do again? You can move.

  13. Actually the Kelley family has lived in this town since before there was a UMass.

    And what I do seems to have gotten your attention.

  14. The Kelley family could have lived here since 1500s for all I care, you don't provide anything beneficial for the town.

    And you got my attention because you tagged my street address and full name on your blog.

    I would like to schedule an exclusive interview with you in person so we can handle this and discourse like gentlemen.

  15. Not interested.

    I have more important stories to cover.

  16. Daniel, you're not making matters any better. Larry will not delete your name from this, so if you continue to bicker, those future employers who end up here will also see all of that garbage as well. Think about it.

  17. Obviously not a civics major.

    The 1st Amendment guarantees you freedom from GOVERNMENT suppression of speech.

    And I'm about as far as you can get from being the government.

    1. Actually, Larry, I was defending your free sppeech. And no, I am not a civics major. Here is the Constitution's 1st Amendment:
      "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Pretty easy even for a liberal to understand, ain't it?

  18. Okay, thanks.

    As you can see, I spend as little time as possible reading comments.

  19. @Anon - you're right, a piece of trash will always be trash no matter what I do

  20. Said the punk who was warned on three separate occasions before being arrested.

  21. And now the indirect childish name calling. Fantastic move, Danny boy! Remember these few words: "Applicant not fit for employment." There doesn't have to be a reason either! I would not hire someone who has not matured enough for the workplace, so yeah... On to the next applicant/resume.

    By the way, why aren't your roomies getting involved in all this??? Wait. They realized it was time to repair/recover, while you sir, have yet to do so.

    Maybe this will help Google (and potential future employers) find it faster:
    Daniel Legmann
    Daniel Legmann
    Daniel Legmann

    Happy Halloween!

  22. Larry, one of these days, you are going to do this to the wrong kid -- and you will just disappear. More likely than not, your body would never

    There are such people out there -- I know a few of them, and they are truly scary people. I have no doubt that were you to do this to one of their sons or nephews or even just someone whom they happen to know -- they'd kill you.

    Then there are young people who believe (rightly or wrongly) that their parents money and political connections will "get them out of" any serious trouble they get into -- and it usually does. A $30K "donation" to UMass will make an expulsion disappear, and we won't even get into what one PIKE brother got away with doing...

    As you are according them no due process, you are giving yourself no opportunity to be forewarned of the response -- and don't think your knowledge of Karate will protect you from folks like this.

    You are playing a very dangerous game -- sooner or later, the odds will catch up with you...

    You both need to remember that when folks are wronged without recourse within the system, there is always the possibility of one seeking it outside of it. Some of those who are wronged will seek vengeance -- and not all will be willing to patiently wait for an opportunity to do so via legal means.

  23. Said the punk who was warned on three separate occasions before being arrested.

    That's the other thing Larry -- the problem with the ordinance is arresting someone for something without any possibility of a jail sentence upon conviction.

    It's a major civil rights violation and something that would be addressed if we either had an ACLU actually worried about civil rights, or if the average citizen had access to the courts -- neither is the case and hence Amherst gets away with this.

    HOWEVER, this is the type of "wrong" that "justifies" other wrongs -- it is the type of thing that "rationalizes" someone to take extra-legal action in response.

  24. There you go, misspelling my surname.

    Even though it appears above every one of my comments, which are starting to get overly numerous on this routine post.

  25. Larry, what's your end game with these posts? What's the point? As far as I see, it simply to bully these kids. If you have kids, maybe some day they will make a small mistake. Think about how you would feel and how your kid would feel if something so little that they did was blown up and held against them.

  26. As I've pointed too many times now, it was this Nitwit's FOURTH offense.

  27. I still say that you are smoking while pumping gasoline....

  28. Hey! Whaddya mean 'old?' Ageism!!

  29. Lol These comments are hilarious. Is Daniel Legmann the one pictured with the stupid haircut? Looks like he has poor judgement with everything. lol classic!
