Sunday, October 11, 2015

Fabulous Fall Sunday

Puffer's Pond dam

The weather could not be much more perfect on this gorgeous Sunday in one of the best college towns in America. Get out and enjoy it!

 Amherst College overlook off South Pleasant Street

Danger Will Robinson, Danger!
Treetop bouquet 
Check out the Mill District, the hip new North Amherst magnet

Hike around Puffer's Pond to work up an appetite

South Amherst is also looking pretty
With the long holiday weekend many of our college aged youth have returned to their hometowns

Take a balloon ride


  1. How's business at Atkin's North?

    The Atkin's website needs to give more information about the store- What items, departments and services are there (Is there a deli? meat department? bakery? cafe?)

    What can we buy there - and when do we need to head South!

  2. Yes, and maybe they should do some advertising with popular hyperlocal news websites.

  3. Better yet, just go there. What are you waiting for an engraved invitation?

  4. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  5. You do realize that you only have all of that because of the college kids, don't you?

  6. Me thinks Puffer's Pond and fall foliage predates the college kids.

  7. The college kids certainly don't add to the beauty of this town, Mr. Ed.

  8. Ed, why don't you try bringing your patented negative attitude to the place where you actually live?

  9. Give me what I want and I'll go away -- aholes....

  10. Okay, Mr. Ed, what is it you want? Your job back? Turn back time so you can make better decisions? How about you go find some other turd to sniff.
