Thursday, October 8, 2015

Don't Do Drugs

 APD K9 Unit:  Dash (the shorter one) and Officer Clark

Not only do you party hardy types have to get by a pretty savvy crew of front line Amherst police officers on the late night weekends -- especially in neighborhoods near UMass -- but they also have a secret weapon:  Dash.

Click to enlarge/read

Don't mess with Dash.

Patrick O'Malley, age 21, arraigned before Judge John Payne.  Case continued so he could consult a lawyer


  1. Smart dresser. Not so smart in all other respects.

  2. So, gonna mention why your page views are so high at the moment?

  3. Larry, I still say that you are better off ignoring a prick like that instead of doimng what the DC manager did. He got rid of the beer -- fine,why push it?

  4. And as to Mr. O'Malley, he can afford a bag of Cocaine but can't afford to drink anything better than PBR? Or is Cocaine now as cheap as Heroin, and hence as much of a problem?

    And had consumed said bag of Cocaine, washed it down with more cans of PBR, and then (not unexpectedly) needed medical attention and transportation to CDH, would the AFD have listed it as a "COKE/PBR" Run, or as an "ETOH" Run?

    They would have been able to smell the beer and hence listed it as a ETOH run.

    And Messrs Kelly, Parr, et al -- do you now understand why I have a problem with the AFD's "ETOH" statistics? It's like saying that the ambulance is driven by firefighters who play with the lights & sirens -- which is technically accurate in that (a) it doesn't drive itself, (b) the lights & sirens don't switch on & off by themselves, and (c) the guys on the crew are firefighters, employed by the Amherst FIRE Department.

    However, they have a whole lot of medical certifications, licenses & such -- which is far more relevant than any firefighter certifications they may have. And not only do they do a whole lot more than just drive the ambulance around, there usually is a reason why they are using the lights & sirens, usually a fairly good one....

    And I suspect that a "tox scan" of most of their "ETOH" patients would find a whole lot more than "ETOH" in their blood...

  5. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Go, O'Malley, and sin no more.

  6. That would be the Irish thing to do.
