Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Bring A Knife To A Knife Fight

Butternut Farm, South Amherst

So as usual there's two sides to a story -- sometimes WAY more than that.  But I'm not going to go all Kurosawa on you. 

The Amherst community was somewhat taken aback on Monday late morning over reports of a stabbing in South Amherst perpetrated by Quintin Tyler, a 44 year old male.

Even worse, his victim was a teenager.

Turns out the teenager attacked Tyler first with a kitchen knife while one of the other (female) roommates had unsuccessfully tried to restrain him.

Tyler used a "folding knife" to stab the teenager, which by and large are not overly large.

 Click to enlarge/read

Tyler was not found to be a dangerous person (Chapter 58A) and was released on $200 bail.

Judge Payne also issued "stay away" order from his (former) apartment at Butternut Farm and the victim, although Tyler did contact Amherst police to accompany him so he could retrieve his belongings.

Stay away order issued by Judge John Payne


  1. You forgot to say "allegedly"
    But thanks for reporting on this

  2. Larry, when you promise not "to go all Kurosawa" on us, do you think your young resident anonymous-commenting trolls from the University have any idea what you're talking about?

    Rich Morse

    1. It doesn't matter if the audience is too dumbed down to know Kurosawa. For God's sake, do we all have to pander to the lowest common denominator. ( Oops, sorry. Maybe you don't know what that is.). My only beef is that we all (including the very literate Larry). start our sentences with the word "so."

  3. Replies
    1. So then i says to him, i says...

  4. Your headlines suck all of a sudden. "Take a knife to a knife fight" is but one example. Step up your game, LK.

  5. Actually CAN, try paying attention.

    The headline is "BRING a knife to a knife fight."

  6. Sounds like a lot of pent up hostility here.

  7. He should have brought one of those highly revered Amherst cops, screw the knife.

  8. Yes, my suggestion for any situation that seems to be getting out of hand is simply to call 911.

    Our revered Dispatch can figure it out and mobilize forces accordingly.

  9. Speaking of Black Lives Matter - are the reports true that they actually cheered the murder of the black cop in NY? Can that possibly be true? If so, then Black lives matter except for the lives of Black Lives Matter supporters in attendance at that hospital. Awful story.

  10. The recent murder of Officer Ralph Holder in NYC did not garnish any press related to Black Lives Matter, nor any protests. In fact the community at the Project where he was killed set up a make-shift memorial and at the precinct he worked out of has a pouring of candles and flowers from the community that adorns the front of the building.

  11. You were not looking very hard sir. There is plenty of information on black lives matters response to the black policeman's death. They cheered. Google it, and you will find many sources. Shocking.

  12. As soon as Black Lives Matter comes up, I'm eager to get back to classic Japanese cinema......anybody seen Toshiro Mifune lately?

    BTW, I hope everyone caught Larry's reference to the movie "Rashomon", which deals with multiple realities.

    Which, come to think of it, gets us back to Black Lives Matter.

  13. Well considering the shooting happened down the block from where I am, I was at both the makeshift memorial, and the headquarters. I am in the neighborhood every day this week, have seen nothing but grief, and I am working for WABC-TV news this week, this would be the first I heard of it. Guess that "group", if they presented anything are neither seen, nor newsworthy in NY.

  14. I did Google _Randolph Holder black lives matter" and fail to find anything on any "cheering" of his death. As I am in the neighborhood where he was murdered, I can tell you the mood is sad and somber. I did notice the Empire State Building was lit in all blue yesterday as a tribute to the slain officer.

    "Shoutout to the guy who shot the pig in Harlem."
    If you're not finding this aspect of the story, you 're not looking-not only not hard enough- but not at all. Disgusting. And these people want support and sympathy for their 'cause?'

  16. No wonder why no one knows that story, it's a non-story. I saw no "group" of protesters at the hospital. I know, I was at Harlem Hospital the night he was brought in and stayed there a good four hours filming a sea of police and family coming to pay their respects. I didn't see ONE person protesting or anything whatsoever as this "tweet" speaks of. If they did, then they must have been put by some back entrance. Looking at the #blacklivesmatter twitter feed I can find no reference to anyone protesting that evening. Only reference I can find is a unsubstantiated claim that "some" neighborhood residents initially cheered the shooting.

    It seems you posted a tweet by a former NYC cop who makes the claim with no conformation by anyone. We had no reports of a protest at the time I was there or I would have filmed it. Your "story" it seems is based on one mans "tweet". Nothing newsworthy in it, and hence why there is nothing published on the web or in any NY media outlet from any reputable news agency concerning a protest. And rightfully so - hate groups don't deserve a voice IMHO.

    I do know the outrage in NY for the slain officer is at a high right now with the NY Post reporting today that a cousin of Tyrone Howard, the shooter, stated, “This should be about the death penalty. I’ll take my money and pay for him to get executed."

    Tyrone Howard is a hardened criminal who appeared before the same judge who only recently allowed him to go free rather than have him serve time for another crime. Needless to say the legal system is being targeted as not doing the right thing and allowing this man to go free when he should have been incarcerated. NY is morning the death of PO Randolph Holder, 33.

  17. Sorry Wally, you lost your credibility a long time ago...

  18. Why the hell was he even arrested? When someone is coming at you with a knife -- a deadly weapon -- you aren't allowed to defend yourself?

    OK, it was a "kitchen knife" -- some of which are more deadly that others, but what, exactly is a "steak knife" designed for? On a national basis, a lot of people are murdered each year with "kitchen knives." And there are a lot of 16-year-olds murdering people.

    And then there is the issue of the realistic-looking water guns that trained police officers often mistake for the actual firearm they are replicas of -- fatally shooting a teenager whom they thought was trying to kill them. These are police officers -- (at least in theory) selected for their ability to make these high-stakes decisions and then trained to do so. So if they are getting them wrong, we shouldn't expect someone less qualified/trained to be getting them wrong too?

    If you come at someone with a knife, they don't have the time to speculate if it is sharp or not, nor are they obligated to. You have the right to use the level of force that you are confronted with.

  19. I don't think the Commonwealth will be pushing for much punishment on this one.

  20. New York City Police Officer Randolph Holder, a five year veteran and immigrant from Guyana, was killed in the of duty on Tuesday. As news of the murder of yet another one of our heroic police officers continues to spread, one group in particular does not have the same reaction as the rest of the nation; rather, they are cheering.

    Black Lives Matter residents from Harlem joined together to cheer once they learned Holder had taken his last breath, and it’s sending chills down the spines of cops around the country.

    According to reports from former NYPD officer John Cardillo on Twitter, the grave scene is a sight no mother should ever have to behold after the death of her son:

    “Getting really disturbing info from cops at Harlem Hospital that residents, some ID’ing as #BlackLivesMatter, are celebrating cop’s death.”

  21. In fact the community at the Project where he was killed set up a make-shift memorial and at the precinct he worked out of has a pouring of candles and flowers from the community that adorns the front of the building.

    I suspect Walter is right on this one -- if an officer is honest, fair, and not a bully, the minority community notices that. People want to feel safe, that's why kids join gangs, and never forget that the criminals in the minority community are preying on the minority community. Hence while they may neither like nor trust the police in general, they consider this particular officer to be "different from the rest of them" and to some extent he may be (and likely is).

    This is what was behind the various programs to provide subsidized or free housing to officers willing to live in a low-income community -- for example, the Federal 705 Program allows a housing authority to "give" one apartment to a police officer who isn't charged any rent nor required to do anything other than simply live there. It's a good deal for young, single officers who are too low on the seniority list to be making much money yet, and more than one perp has made the mistake of breaking into the wrong apartment...

  22. And nobody gives a damn. Here, they all voted for him.
