Friday, October 9, 2015

A Clear & Present Danger?

 UMass Southwest Towers.  JQA in the middle

Last week 22-year-old Zachary Simeone from Dalton Massachusetts threatened to come to UMass, assault/murder his former girlfriend, crash his truck into John Quincy Adams Tower and shoot up the campus.

 Zach Simeone and his truck

All at a time when gun violence on college campuses is paramount in people's minds.

 Click to enlarge/read

He was arrested by Dalton PD after being alerted by UMPD and originally found by Judge Patricia Poehler too dangerous for release, either on his own personal recognizance or via bail.

Simeone admitted he was dangerous

This morning a new deal -- "Joint Proposal RE Conditions Of Release" -- was struck at Hampshire Superior Court allowing his release under many, many conditions.

Let's hope it works.

Most of the retweets came from UMass students


  1. "We used to not care for Larry Kelly, the guy we just linked who follows asshole college kids around in Amherst and takes pictures of them. But we gotta give him props for documenting this dingleberry’s shenanigans."

  2. What's with the charge (c265s15B) for threatening to kill someone over 60. Is her boyfriend that old?

  3. Larry, those towers are 500 feet tall. You are more than twice that high -- hence you are over the 1000 foot limit.

    You also are up into controlled airspace belonging to the US Military -- Westover, I believe -- UMass had to have permission to have a helicopter at a lower altitude than you are to put a dish on top of T-6.

    You complain about the college kids breaking Amherst rules -- you are breaking several Federal ones....

  4. Actually if I had to guess they are well under 500 feet tall, as the Du Bois Library (28 stories vs Towers 22) is only 296 feet tall.

    I shot from just under 400 feet (but from an angle).

    FAA limit is 400 feet, not 1,000.

  5. 276, my bad.

    I still remember that the airspace immediately above the SW towers is military and being told (in a staff meeting) that there would be a major issue getting a helicopter to lift a dish to the roof of T-6 because of this.

  6. Who cares about silly rules, flying the drone around town taking pictures, in this case of 100s of other peoples' home, is just plain rude. What goes around comes around though.

  7. Maybe you can find a Klingon cloaking device on the black market.

  8. I'm not worried about Larry taking pictures of me watering my garden, or even watering a tree while hiking, but when his drone loses power at 400 feet and begins to accelerate toward Earth at 32 feet per second per second, I hope he knows that √(2•32•400)=8•20=160, which is roughly the speed (that's in feet per second, which works out to about 110 miles per hour) that his drone will come crashing down, and I hope nobody (including Larry) is beneath it! (It would prove to be a memorable ambulance call, but if Larry were there victim, who would report it?! ;-)


  9. Oh, I'm sure the Gazette would give that front page coverage (3 days later).

  10. Glad to see this dipshit got hammered.

  11. Yep, just like the courts to leave it up to person who is a danger to the public to check in with probation dept. So much for the safety of the public. Question, who's the blame when this nitwit strikes again?

  12. Liberalism will be to blame.

  13. Conservatism is already to blame.

  14. Oh good comeback.
