Friday, September 18, 2015

You Can Always Go

Amherst after dark, North Pleasant Street

If the Business Improvement District keeps this up the Celebrate Amherst Block Party will become a downtown tradition, much like the Taste of Amherst or Merry Maple Tree lighting ceremony, which also brings thousands of folks to the heart of our town for a family friendly event.

She flew through the air ...

And have for quite a long time now.

5:30 PM

8:45 PM

While the Block Party is the new kid on the block -- with four winning events now in the record books --   the secret to success is the same:  bring lots of people together in a controlled but wide open area for a feel good event.

Kendrick Park on the far north end of town looked like Christmas

The weather of course is a major factor.   Mother Nature should win an award as best supporting actress in last night's event.

 Downtown restaurants did a booming business

 AFD Central Station is always a popular attraction

 AFD Engine 1 and A2 staged at DPW building a mile away to respond to calls

And the town too deserves major kudos for their supporting role by providing the stretch on North Pleasant street running through town center and the town employees -- Police, Fire and DPW -- to assist with making things go as smoothly as possible.


  1. Our whole family had a great time. Loved the trapeze artists! Amazing!

  2. My wife and I had a GREAT time, just like the last 3 years. Keep it going!

  3. They should do something more about traffic management around the event. Buses were terribly late, through no fault of their own!

  4. The intersection of University Drive and Amity St needed assistance- Traffic (including buses) were backed up onto campus. Could UMass police be available to assist with traffic control.
    next year?
