Friday, September 4, 2015

Sudsy Saturday & Sunday?

1st year students moved into Southwest Friday
Scroll down for most recent updates

Not to be a killjoy prognosticator of dire outcomes but my Twitter buddy ZooMass does have a scary point:  By Sunday all the on-campus UMass students will be moved in --13,500+ of them ... with nothing much to do.

For the entire night.  With the weather predicted to be perfect.  And no school on Monday.


Saturday morning mist quickly burning off 
Phillips Street late Friday night

Crowd gathered westernmost quad Townhouse Apartments, North Amherst 4:45 PM Saturday


  1. This is serious, Americans without a structured activity in 2015, we no longer train children to deal with such situation as they are unexpected.

    Let's be real about this. When the old timers of Amherst have too much free time they increase the size and scope of Amherst government. There is no realistic way for bored students to do more damage than that.

  2. They're freshmen Larry, not 'first-years.'

  3. Replies
    1. We are all men. Women are half of mankind.

  4. Simple. Sabotage all the cell towers in the area. Without their phones, they will not know how to communicate and will be trapped without anyway of letting anyone know what they are doing, they will not have any means to figure out how to get out, and they will have no way of knowing where to go.

  5. And freshwomen I suppose.

    They can't be that,Larry, because "freshwomen" has the word "men" in it.

    Nor are they even "persons" because that word has the word "son" in it. And that's dehumanizing them in a way that even the lecherous "daughter drop-off banner never could.

    And for a fun time, try to explain to an International student why "we wind our clocks while the wind blows" -- how the same four letters can be two different words, not only pronounced differently but with two very different meanings.

    Could it be that maybe the word "freshman" is gender-neutral, the way that the word "person" also is???

  6. It'll be a good weekend to drink beer and party. Welcome back folks.

  7. Doesn't the school usually have a food event "Worlds Largest ________"

    Haven't heard anything this year...

  8. Yes, but they decided not this year.

    Lot of money (and a fair amount of after event waste) for a silly title.

  9. Hello Larry

    Newsflash from UMass website:
    "Watch our award-winning Dining Services break its sixth world record. What will it be?"

  10. Could be they forgot to tell their webmaster.

  11. Walter has a good suggestion with turning off cell phone towers.

    It wont keep the college kids away from the beer, but it will force many local moms and dads to pay attention to their kids vs. their phones, a much much larger issue.

    This could, in fact, keep college kids from drinking beer in 5-15 years because they will be raised better by attentive parents.

    This problem does not stem from the college kids themselves, it is designed, it stems from their parents not doing their job. Parents with faces buried in smartphones is not working out well. Parents have been doing a pretty poor job for a couple of decades now, the smartphones have only made the quality of parenting even plummet further from a pretty low point.

  12. Kendrick Place doesn't look that bad from the air, like a big hunk of cheese.

  13. FAA here - Mr. Kelley, one of your photos indicates you're flying your UAV higher than authorized - please contact us ASAP

  14. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

  15. You know Larry, it wouldn't be that hard to take out that drone of yours.

    I can think of two different tactics, quite successfully employed by the
    British during the Battle of Britain that could be adapted to model rockets.

  16. Yow! Our campus made #7 on the beuaty list!

  17. Yes Tom, I'm sure that's one "top ten" list the folks at UMass Office of News & Media Relations will not be crowing about.

    Umass does remind me of the A-10 Warthog: So ugly she's kinda pretty. Although with the A-10 the sound effects help greatly. Brtttttt

  18. The Daily Caller obviously is out of touch with reality. The Umass picture used on the site is at least 20 years old.
