Monday, September 14, 2015

DUI Dishonor Roll

The rate of drunk driving is highest among 21-25 year olds (23.4%)

Only one arrest for drunk driving over the weekend, about as typical as they come (the modus operandi, not the number):  Jesse Korzen, 21, a former UMass student and somebody not unknown to our police department, as he was arrested back in January for alcohol related rowdy behavior.

His twitter masthead seems to show a typical day drink gathering out at Townhouse apartments in North Amherst which was Ground Zero for the last three out-of-control Blarney Blowouts.

Click to enlarge/read
Jesse Korzen in District Court reading his arrest report

In Eastern Hampshire District Court this morning Mr. Korzen was represented by what looked to be a high priced attorney (keep in mind Korzen was arrested on Sunday).   He took a standard 24D plea disposition, probably because of the Breathalyzer results of .15% -- almost twice the legal limit.

Korzen will lose his license for 45 days, pay $650 in fines/fees, take a driver education program and be on probation for the next year.  As long as he stays out of trouble (here or in New York) the case will be "dismissed", although "Continued Without A Finding" is pretty much an admission of guilt.

His attorney asked Judge Payne to waive the travel restrictions since he lives in New York, and the Judge agreed.

Coincidentally enough -- what are the odds? -- I received an email about an hour after Korzen's District Court appearance from his roommate who was also arrested back in January, requesting deletion of the article.   

The guaranteed way of keeping your name from appearing on these pages is pretty simple:  Don't get arrested.


  1. "A former UMass student."

    Larry, just because Enku kicks them out doesn't mean they leave -- for more than a few, it merely means more time to drink and/or do drugs.

    I don't think you come out ahead...

  2. Well played. Kept the roommate's name off the blog (this one at least) so its not indexed/searchable. He should at least appreciate that. His emails though are HILARIOUS. Should have thought twice before throwing that bash back in January. Both of them.

  3. Shockingly I'm somewhat torn about the former students comments. I absolutely support highlighting drunk drivers in this space. In fact it is the driving force for my visits to this page. Morbidly curious if I'll spot a former classmate ('95) and enjoy the "drunk driving mom in Amherst Woods" saga. But his willingness to discus the crime via phone is impressive and even his request which was reasonably made as opposed to the "threatening" or plain idiotic requests you've previously posted from others. Even if it's taken off your page, as we all know, once online always online.

    My opinion, and I understand it carries no weight, call the kid then decide.

    1. If only the drunk drivers came to this blog.

  4. Yes, suggestions from folks who do not leave their name to back said "opinion" carry little weight.

  5. Full name (I know at least 100 Kevins).
