Tuesday, August 25, 2015

You Can't Get There From Here

You may have noticed all those bright yellow additions appearing on our regular street signs that almost resemble stickers, informing drivers not to come sightseeing unless they have a good reason.

Maybe it's part of being a "green community," reducing the extra gas consumed when a lost vehicle goes down the wrong street, or just an easy way to keep the peace in neighborhoods where some folks don't like lost vehicles using their driveway to turn around.

DPW Chief Guilford Mooring reports the signs come with no additional cost to taxpayers because the new "No Outlet" is simply added to the routine design and then used whenever a street sign is replaced.

A sign replacement costs the town $250.  So in case you ever wondered why the (infamous) Hobart Lane street sign is twice as high up as a regular sign ...

Hobart Lane (also a "no outlet" street)


  1. Nice way to save a buck. If they didn't put this additional signage on the street sign, they'd have to make a second sign that in this case would say 'No Outlet'. Nice way to do it.

  2. What's wrong with DEAD END?

  3. New signs on Lincoln between Amity and College!! Now I can see to turn!

  4. Welcome to the Hotel California

  5. Hey, great choice in photo - and a curious coincidence: I drove my bike up Sunrise last week, hoping for a shortcut to Railroad St and Leader (formerly Elder Lumber) - that new sign would have saved me a U-turn on my bike, but instead I got to see what may be the only street (a nice little street, indeed) that I've never been on before in my 3+ decades in Amherst!

  6. Hey Larry. The town is going to pave High Point dr. and Overlook dr. for $586,667! I heard that they are not going to pave the whole width?? For that kind of money I would expect new pavement edge to edge new curbing and side walk. A side walk will be nice since I am shore traffic speeds will increase! Do you have any info on this?
    Thanks Nick.

  7. Well they are going to pave the whole width but the road is being narrowed from 30 feet to 24 feet, thus six feet of width becomes green space. So I don't think you have to worry about traffic speeds increasing.

    Guilford also said you can stop in to the DPW office and view the plans/bids if you like.
