Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Breach? What Breach?

Attorney Regina W. Tate

So at $225/hour I guess it's a good thing that the Public Schools attorney Regina Tate is so succinct.

Her not overly prompt response to the NAACP complaint about a "substantial breach" of the 1993 "Consent Decree" was certainly short and to the point.

Just say no.


  1. Thus, of course, presumes that the White kids are violating the school rules with the frequency that the black kids are, and I think that the NAACP is going to have a hard time showing that were anyone to introduce any of the research on the effect of single parent household and then to introduce the racial statistics regarding that....

  2. Anon 10:56,

    School Attorney Tate, not the NAACP, is the creator of walls and divisions. Investigate the source and follow the money. The school's settlement with Ms. Gardner admits the school illegally discriminated against Ms. Gardner because of the color of her skin. Tate is laughing all the way to the bank. I hope you get your cut.

  3. Anon 914
    You are the one who is clueless about how things work in the real world.

  4. Pieces love and understandingAugust 5, 2015 at 10:57 AM

    Kids are their greatest asset.


    All of em.

    -Squeaky Squeaks


    Incubated in Amherst,

    infecting the ~fking~ planet.

  5. Please explain the seperate and unequal administration of discipline in the arps system. Can it possibly be true that there are different enforcements for the various races of school troublemakers?

  6. Sure, if you are a black student you can do what you want, say what you want and bully any white kid you like as liberals have everyone believing the biggest myth of them all, that blacks cannot be racist. If you are white you are punished for doing anything that may be deemed racist. That could include being white and using any terms that a black kid may say that are illegal for you to use because you are white and whites can only use a certain set of words. Thankfully kids don't wear dress shoes today as if a white kid was caught shining his shoes he would be a racist. Even worse, if he carried black shoe polish to keep his shoes clean he would be expelled. You may even be a white licensed state electrician who uses a common electrical term related to a master and slave power switch and simply by correctly using the term "slave" in relation to that electrical setup, you would be a racist and fired if any liberal teacher hears you utter the word regardless of its context.

    It's pretty fucked up world these days where one can not speak their mind or be pigeonholed, marked and called out by a bullying group, who determines what is morally acceptable and moves the bar depending on your color, gender or your inability to figure out what gender you were born as. Bonus is being one gender and wanting to wear the other genders clothes. That is a free ride, pass GO, collect $200.

    1. Great answer. But is this what the discipline policy (if there Is such an animal) states? Can anyone else chime in with an official policy please. But again, thank you 442 for the honest truth. If it really Is true, it sounds discriminatory and illegal.

  7. Chris Rock speaks truthfully in the link below, but because I'm a non black, just by me posting it must prove that I am a racist. The fact that Chris Rock uses the term nigger is acceptable, but because I am white and didn't use an asterisk in typing it, somehow 'protecting' others from reading the word, proves I am a racist. White people even typing the word 'nigger' in the context of the link is the equivalent of defecating on children according to liberals; sort of how the English laugh because in the US one can show a mans genitals all day but G*d forbid anyone DARE show a woman's nipple.

    That's how fucked up and completely backwards this world is. So watch Chris Rock in the first link use and abuse the word 'nigger'. Then watch Louis CK in the second link also use the world 'nigger' in the context of how unacceptable it is to use as a white man and notice how hard it is to even hear a white man say the word in the context of explaining how white people can't say it. That is the liberal conditioning that this country has done to everyone as if blacks and white get along so well and realities don't exist. Oh, then look at the gallup poll in the third and fourth link and laugh.





    1. The "N" word. What are we? In 2nd grade?

  8. No I am not in the second grade but you must think you are protecting a second grader because you can't use a word or you'll be condemned to hell. Oh sorry, forgot, God doesn't exist and global warming will see south Amherst turn into the coast in a few years.

  9. Lol, that's just one of the many side-benefits of climate change!
    But we digress. Still would like to read the officially published discipline policy for the schools. Where does it say there are to be different actions for same abuses? Or is it all just word of mouth from the Super?

    1. Word of mouth from those in charge of discipline at arhs. Ask any high school student.

  10. 8:41,

    You are asking the people here what the official school discipline policy is? Wow. Do you have children? Please know that you can go to the schools and actually ask them to discuss this with you. they will even show you the policy. What do these knuckleheads here know besides rumor and innuendo? Please, please, please do not come here for facts. This site is merely for entertainment value, kind of like watching town drunks try to fight each other. All sides are so lost in their own blindness they couldn't land a punch if their lives depended on it.

    1. No i don't have children. Just thought someone here might be affiliated and know the policy. I hear only rumors that it discriminates.

  11. anon@947, I agree that this isn't the place to get accurate information about school discipline policy. However, asking the school administration is unlikely be very accurate either. The Middle School was a joke last year. There was essentially NO discipline offered. Mr Sadiq (the climate officer) was apathetic, at best. His presence actually made the climate worse, cuz students saw that HE saw bad behavior and did NOTHING. The very clear message sent was: bullying is ok, intimidation (physical and verbal) is ok, etc. Again, the biggest issue the SC should be addressing is why so many kids (all social classes and ethnicity) are leaving? Why? Why? What can we do to change that? Ms Geryk, hello??

    1. "Climate Officer?" What 's that?

  12. Anon 8/6/15 @ 4:56

    Seems to me that you really wanted to use the "n" word and found what you believe to be an acceptable context to write it repeatedly. Screams of a white person eager to use a racist term anyway possible without acknowledging their own racist behaviors.

  13. Yeah, another liberal calling everyone and anyone a racist because its a cool thing to do.

  14. Those who denounce others as racists should take a good look in a mirror.

  15. 3:23,
    if you are so concerned that the "N" word is a racist term, you should start an effort to get it banned from music and it's constant use by people of color.
    Otherwise, you are just a hypocrite.

  16. How about banning a school policy which, for the same or equal infractions, disciplines differently based upon skin color. You really Would think that would be illegal in this country.

  17. Churning them out at the hate factoryAugust 8, 2015 at 3:50 PM

    "Where does it say there are to be different actions for same abuses? Or is it all just word of mouth from the Super?"

    The Super is simply a paycheck collector. Not to be bothered.

    The one manning the guillotine, is the director of (LOL!) "Operations".

    She simply ~LOVES~ that friggan gig.

    You oughta see it in action.

    -Squeaky Squeaks

  18. Can a teacher come forward (anon, of course) and say what the directive is regarding discipline? Someone who has to enforce this policy. Or de facto policy, or rumored policy or non-policy. Or whatever it is.

  19. Squeaky Squeaks- one wonders Ms Mazur's accountability in the whole Gardner affair? How common is it that a teacher new to the district is given professional status so very very quickly, especially when students and parents have reported serious concerns with her (lack of) instruction?

  20. With the online agenda for the SC meeting on Aug 10th are materials related to the NAACP consent decree, including a new letter from Attorney Tate in response to an email that she received from Mr. Baptiste last week. From the evidence presented there (which might not be the full picture), it does not seem that the Amherst chapter of NAACP has much standing anymore re: the 1993 consent decree.

    The meeting packet also includes the summary evaluation of the superintendent for the 2014-15 school year. The summary eval was put together by the chairs of the Amherst SC, Pelham SC, and the Regional SC, and included ratings that were provided by 13 current and recently former SC members. In looking it over, I have one process question related to the ratings from Ms. Luce, who currently is both a Amherst schools employee and chair of the Pelham SC. Why was Ms. Luce not asked to recuse herself from evaluating the superintendent, the head of the Amherst and Pelham schools since she is a school employee and the superintendent is her boss. How is Ms. Luce even able to serve as a Pelham SC member with this potential conflict of interest?

  21. FYI. The NAACP document is NOT a consent decree. It is an Agreement negotiated between the NAACP and SC. It is a contract between the two entities. Not sure why people call it a consent decree.

  22. My question is why does that organization (NAACP) refer to those it wants to advance as Colored People?
