Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Town Building Report

24,000 sq ft Wastewater Treatment Plant built 1923, value $13 million

Last night the Amherst Select Board, after many years of asking, finally received a 65 page draft inventory report of all the buildings owned by the town.

Put together by Director of Facilities and Maintenance Ron Bohonowicz, the inventory catalogs when the building was constructed, recent renovations, total square footage, estimated value and  a recommendation for future use.

One measurement that stimulated the most discussion was the "Mission Dependency Index," or how important/critical is a building to the town.  Obviously Police and Fire scored high with 100 and 99 respectively (out of 100).

So did anything to do with water.  And anyone who has ever watched Survivor knows water is your first priority.

22,480 sq ft Town Hall built 1889, value $6.5 million

But the Jones Library only measured a 50 and that left a bad taste in the mouths of our bookish Select Board.  So they voted to have Mr. Bohonowicz scratch that measurement.

And the Select Board did show some concern that perhaps Mr. Bohonowicz crossed over into "policy" with some of his comments.

For instance he mentions the worst kept secret in town that if the current DPW building is abandoned for a new facility it would make a great location for the (too) L-O-N-G talked about new Fire Station.

Or under Recreation he states the Walmart quality Cherry Hill Golf Course Clubhouse, "Should be eliminated if there was to be any type of major renovation."  At the Select Board meeting last night he called it "disposable."  (Kind of like the golf course itself).

 5,600 sq ft War Memorial Pool built 1960, value $243,000 (surrounding play area not so much)

The report is considered a "living document" and will be amended and upgraded over the years.


  1. Perfect spot for a new fire station. I'm sure all the neighbors will enjoy the sirens at all hours of the night.

  2. Some people like the sounds of sirens at night.

  3. Enjoy selling your house.

  4. If it's supposed to be a South Amherst fire station, why not put it in South Amherst?

  5. Because it has to be within 1 mile of town center, if they abandon Central Station (which they will do).

  6. The DPW *is* in South Amherst by my definition.

  7. Any decent town has its fire station, police station, library, etc. in the central business district, as part of the community.

    It's a real treat to be able to talk to the chief and firefighters on the street in downtown.

    And the open houses are packed.

  8. The report loses all validity when the Select Board can vote to override a design professional's judgement.

  9. Isn't it time to sell off town hall and pay for a few high school settlements or students?

  10. That is laughable that the Select Board voted to override what the report stated. What is more important, a library or a fire station? The Select Board should get off their thrones and talk to the towns people, talk to the firefighters ask what they want. Look inside the downtown fire station and see how run down it really is and how badly the department and town need a new fire station. I will venture a guess and say that the Select Board (and the town manager at that) are too scared to venture into the fire stations. The library can wait, public safety cannot.

  11. So funny! What if the library burned down because there weren't enough firefighters available. Problems? Amherst is full of these wonderful conundrums.

  12. Yeah, I never run out of material.
