Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Select Board Mini Meeting

Amherst Select Board (4 out of 5) and acting Town Manager Dave Ziomek

The Amherst Select Board met in public session this afternoon in the Town  Manager's office in Town Hall mainly to approve committee appointments, as the new fiscal year started July 1st.

And in the brief 24 minute meeting the Board voted unanimously to approve 16 appointments of which six were confirming the Town Manager appointees.

 All were approved unanimously

But they did hear some good breaking news from Finance Director Sandy Pooler concerning the state budget, which is expected to be finalized by the legislature later today, mainly related to our schools.

Chapter 70 aid, Charter reimbursements, Circuit Breaker Special Education money and Transportation reimbursements are all up slightly, as was Unrestricted Local Aid for the town side of the budget.

Payment In Lieu Of Taxes for that behemoth we host, UMass, is unfortunately level funded.  And the Community Preservation Act reimbursement will be only 18%, so for every dollar Amherst homeowners paid in, the state will match 18 cents.

The acting Town Manager report from Dave Ziomek, filling in for John Musante who is attending a professional development program over the next three weeks, was short and concise:  "Things are going extremely well."

Under calender preview the board confirmed they will next meet in regular session July 27th, then three meetings in August all involving the Town Manager evaluation.  August 18th and the 19th (if needed) and then August 24 where they will meet briefly in open session and then go into Executive Session to hammer out a new contract for Mr. Musante.

The Town Manger currently makes $150,000 annually but is not the top paid municipal employee.  School Superintendent Maria Geryk holds that distinction with a cool $158,000 salary.

New up to date picture of Select Board was recently installed in Town Hall courtesy of an anonymous donor

1 comment:

  1. Has anyone ever done a diversity analysis of town government, dept heads, select board, school administration? Looking pretty 1960's.
