Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Security Breach

How would you like to get a registered return receipt letter informing you of a "potential disclosure of information that contained your personal information?"

As vaguely worded as that dispatch is, I bet it would ruin your entire gorgeous summer day.

But I guess it could be a lot worse.  Just imagine the sleepless nights millions of cheating spouses will endure now that hackers who infiltrated users personal (and financial) information on a very personal website are threatening disclosure.

The breach involving the Amherst town website is not nearly as, umm, sexy but definitely scary for the citizens impacted.

Obviously it would only potentially impact those who have uploaded financial information to the town website.  And fortunately, it was not the result of outside hackers breaking into the system.

Finance Director Sandy Pooler was limited in what he could disclose (and specifically could not say how many registered letters were sent out) but he did say if you did not get a letter, you have nothing to worry about.  

For those of you who did get the letter and have concerns, you can call either Sandy (413-259-3002) or Claire McGinnis (413-259-3020) for further information (that they legally cannot give to a pesky reporter). 

1 comment:

  1. Bank routing numbers and account numbers were potentially disclosed. But anyone to whom you have ever written a check also has that exact information.

    So, our postman said he delivered 18 such letters on his route. Not sure how many postal routes there are in Amherst.
