Sunday, July 19, 2015

Say Cheese!

Shots fired!  UMass campus pond this fine Sunday morning

If you notice a throng of photographers around town this weekend don't be afraid, it's just a shutterbug conference at UMass. 

 Click to enlarge/read.  Or go to UMass website

And if you heard the sound of muskets this somewhat stormy Sunday morning that was only a reenactment -- a drill if you will -- to give those photographers something to do.

That's a lot of photographers



  1. Gotta love how an event held OUTDOORS on the center campus of a public university is "not open to the public."

    UMass at its finest -- and I notice that they never bothered to replace the bus shelter, either...

  2. Ed-

    I'm sure if someone went to watch they wouldn't have been stopped. They probably just didn't want too many spectators. It is a private event, just like conferences at the Campus Center. You can't just stroll in.

    The bus stop has been moved further north to the new ILC. There are benches outside, the lobby is accessible at least during the day and there is even a screen inside the lobby that displays times for incoming busses.The bus shelter has been replaced by a much better facility in that regard.

  3. Gotta love how the UMassHack attempts to defend this with a totally bogus analogy.

    Anyone has every damn right to stroll across the CAMPUS and trying to compare that to strolling into, say, someone's dorm room is asinine. Beyond asinine, even, for a UMassSchmuck.

    And I don't really care how many excuses you make, although I'd really like to know how one boards a bus from inside a building, but all of that is moot.

    UMass promised to rebuild the historic bus shelter and UMass didn't do it -- hence no one should ever trust UMass on anything else!

  4. Please don't feed the troll.

  5. I'm sure if someone went to watch they wouldn't have been stopped

    Really. Note the two police officers on horseback. Why do you think they are there, why do you think they are on horseback?

    This is private use of a public space and I have problems with that.

  6. Charlie Baker just cut $5 million from UMass. Sucks.

  7. Of course, in the real world, when you go from $511M this year to $526M next year, that would be considered a $15M increase -- and I personally think $526M too much...

  8. Dr. Ed-
    I'm not a UMass hack, I'm what you call "well informed".

    Just to address your comment about not being able to board the bus from inside a couldn't from the trolley stop either. The point is to have some sort of a shelter...

    As far as this event on campus...saw some photos on Facebook and those are not police horses but are Revolutionary "war horses" and part of the shoot.

    As far as using public property for private use... this is not unheard of, especially with say, a city park, which is comparable to the lawn next to the UMass campus pond. Take Worcester, MA for example which has a car show in the city owned Green Hill Park every year. It is promoted, organized and run by a private group and they charge admission. Union Park in Chicago just hosted a musical festival last weekend and guess what- charged admission. CenPrivate events. Public property. And those events take place on 100% state/city funded facilities, unlike UMass where the budget is 50% state funded and may even be slightly less after the recent budget...but I suppose that's not truly relevant. Like anywhere else UMass didn't want a lot of spectators and that's ok and precedented.
