Thursday, July 2, 2015

Final Stretch

Kendrick Place nearing completion

Maybe we should take up a betting pool to see which new building opens for business first -- Atkins North, Kendrick Place or Amherst Office Park new addition.

 Atkins North almost ready for an influx of cars

With Amherst often being criticized as having a "7 month economy" due to our reliance on higher education it's a well known fact that September 1st is go time.

 Amherst Office Park new 30,000 square foot building hoping for September occupancy

And most businesses like to have a soft opening a couple weeks early before the deluge begins, just to work out the kinks.   So I would not be surprised if the winner opens by mid-August. 


  1. Amherst's population is around 6,000 (not including students). It hardly warrants all of this construction. Is this overcompensation for lack of business support? Who knows?

  2. I drove down that street Atkins is on and my tie rods almost splintered. When the hell will the town fix that road???

  3. Actually the population of Amherst is almost 38,000 with about 60% of them "college aged youth". So your figure is not even close.

  4. Cowls Road is scheduled to be done this summer.

  5. Which one of these buildings is the end of civilization in Amherst as we know it?

    Which building is Sodom? Which Gomorrah?

  6. What, no votes yet?

    My bet: Atkins is open first.

  7. "I drove down that street Atkins is on and my tie rods almost splintered. When the hell will the town fix that road???"

    Amherst always makes sure people can get to Atkins! North Amherst will have better roads because of their presence.

  8. Yes, and the intersection in the very center of North Amherst will get worked on in the near future as well.

  9. Kendrick Place looks great!

  10. I agree anon. 5:37, and not so "out of scale" when you see it in context of UMASS in the distance. I think all the one story structures around it should build up (the Primo Pizza and Stackers buildings, especially). What a poor use of space those ugly prefab looking structures are at the entrance to our downtown.

    Also, I bet there are some nice views from those apartments.

  11. Does that tell the future of the Pioneer Valley or what. You go Larry!!!!

  12. "Also, I bet there are some nice views from those apartments."

    Larry has been on upper floors and posted some shots- The view seems to be roofs and parking lots.

  13. With people come cars....where are they going to be parked? People need to park and there is none for this building. To park a 1/2 mile away and walk is not my idea of luxury.

  14. I think Kendrick Place is a very attractive building, and not at all out of place, and I have a feeling it will signal the beginning of more, larger buildings downtown. I suppose keeping new construction visually appealing will have to be the goal.
    Anon 5:51 may have hit the nail on the head suggesting that some of the other buildings in the area would be far more profitable if they are expanded... up. For good or bad, it's probably just a matter of time.
    Anon 6:57 obviously has a point about parking, but renters are going into it knowing the situation. I'm sure the builders studied other similar areas, and realized that potential tenants would likely be an active, younger, alternative minded demographic, who do not mind parking and walking, or cycling, etc.
    Richard Marsh

  15. Kendrick Place does fit in with the monsterous generic modern UMass buildings erupting from the green fields and trees. I see it now, as would any crow flying overhead. From the street in a 350 year old New England town, not so much.

  16. A 350 year old New England Town, yes, but with 21st Century realities and the needs that go with them. If we're going to preserve our agricultural heritage and open spaces and work to prevent sprawl and the large carbon footprint that goes along with it, then we're going to have to embrace and work towards higher density development in our core, commercial and public transit serviced sectors.

    1. This talk of carbon footprint is propaganda bullshit. But, of course, since I don't meed them due to my not spawning generations of carbon users, i'm willing to sell at a reduced rate a lot of my extra carbon credits.

  17. Thank you for the aerial photos of two new mixed use buildings.

    One is a monstrosity--bloated, oversized, too tall--with weak references to an imagined historical past.

    And the other one is Kendrick Place.

  18. Richard- In your post you say
    "...potential tenants would likely be an active, younger, alternative minded demographic, who do not mind parking and walking, or cycling, etc."

    You missed the point- There is no parking for them.

    1. As though all active, alternative - minded ( whatever That means !)

    2. ... are all the same. (Sry for the incomplete sentence above.)

  19. Ms. M'Vemba: Since you do not know the definition of a demographic, I am providing it for you.

    demographics : the qualities (such as age, sex, and income) of a specific group of people

    : a group of people that has a particular set of qualities
    Full Definition of DEMOGRAPHIC

    plural : the statistical characteristics of human populations (as age or income) used especially to identify markets

    And I guarantee that they fill up faster than the Amherst town common for a flag burning.

    Richard Marsh

  20. The street in front of Kendrick Place will be totally blocked....daily. One big headache for APD and a wind fall for Ernie's Towing.

  21. The town should have required the builder to provide parking. This could have been done below ground, or on the first and second levels.

  22. Kendrick Place = eyesore = Amherst turns ugly, no matter how you look at it. Doesn't fit, never will.

  23. Why such a big deal about parking? Many cities have many apartments in their downtown without parking. Northampton has hundreds, people gladly park some distance away and walk home. It really is non-issue to many people, simply a trade off to live in a desirable location. I lived at 181 Main some years ago and gladly walked back and forth to my vehicle, just for the luxury and excitement of living on Main Street Northampton.

    If it bothers you... don't rent one.

    Anon 7:11, it is 36 apartments, where does the idea that "The street in front of Kendrick Place will be totally blocked....daily", come from? Anon 5:56, I do get the point, there may be no parking right by the building, but folks will park on Blue Hills, on Lincoln, on Dickinson etc. then walk home. They really have no choice if they rent at Kendrick, and they will rent. Richard Marsh

  24. Well if I was living on Lincoln,or Blue Hills and the street was full of cars from Kendrick I would not be happy. These spaces should be for residents and their guests,or short term parking. Wintertime will be another issue. I'm sure Bertuccis will be looking for offenders. Is there an occupancy limit for this building and who will monitor it?

  25. Is overnight parking allowed on those streets?

  26. So negativity does not take a holiday.

  27. Parking is the issue....and doesn't take a holiday.

  28. All the more proof that we need a new 400-600 space parking garage.

  29. Not a bad idea12:58 and since the Arch is charging NYC prices for rent the town can charge the $300 a month to park their cars.

  30. I believe that they need more mixed use apartments/stores in the South end of the town center. Building up is a good idea. People have this disillusion that Amherst is a small town, its not. I also firmly believe that we need an industrial park right off of 116 in North Amherst. That would help lower our taxes. It is very frustrating working/living in a town that has so much potential but because of a few...difficult individuals... deny the development that a town (city) like Amherst needs. There is a massive ripple effect when development is limited. No new taxes, no new roads, less public safety, increased taxes, housing rates...etc. Like I said, its frustrating not being able to do anything about it because of a few individuals, led by a town council and manager that should be fired/disbanded for a mayor. Hopefully change will come soon.

  31. I nominate Larry Kelley for mayor.

  32. It would be nice to actually have to option to elect a mayor, the town needs to push for that change again.

    1. I second the above nomination. The people have spoken.
