Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Historic Preservation Via Duplication

Amherst History Mural overlooks sacred West Cemetery

"If you can't save it, repaint it" should be the motto for the One East Pleasant Street 5-story mixed use building coming soon to the northern end of downtown Amherst, within the shadow of Kendrick Place (set to open in August).

The 16' by 140' Amherst Community History Mural painted on the back of the Carriage Shops overlooking West Cemetary by Cambridge artist David Fichter ten years ago will be repainted by the original artist on the back of the new building.

Last night the Amherst Historical Commission voted unanimously to accept an amended easement agreement, thus guaranteeing a new and brighter mural will continue to overlook Miss Emily's final resting place.  Forever.

One East Pleasant Street as seen from historic West Cemetery

West Cemetery from Triangle Street side


  1. I had no idea that project was going to be so big. It's just another huge box? Why does the town say no to everything but when they finally say yes it's another monstrosity like this.

    LK, do you have any other pics of the proposed development?

  2. They should update the mural with Amherst's favorite son and blogger photo.

  3. Someone hire Kuhn Riddle to redo the outside of that buidling before it's built!

  4. "MONSTROSITY! MONSTROSITY!" cried chicken little

    What a joke. The true monstrosity is Amherst Town Meeting. Somebody please, change the face of THAT instead.
