Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Finally: More Housing

Presidential Apartments are located in the shadow of UMass/Amherst

The long permitted (1966) expansion of Presidential Apartments, an 85 unit complex built in the 1960s, is taking shape as 8 of the 9 new buildings are now up.

This expansion will add 54 units of badly needed housing, 12 one-bedroom and 42 two-bedroom.

In addition -- even more desperately needed -- six of those units will be "affordable," thus adding to the town's Subsidized Housing Index which currently stands at just over 11%.

If the town should fall below 10% it would then open up the possibility of a Chapter 40B housing development that bypasses local zoning ordinances as long as the project is 20% "affordable."

This will be the first project that results in affordable units built under the town's ten year old Inclusionary Zoning Article 15, which mandates 10% of units in a development requiring a Special Permit must be "affordable."

According to property manager Pat Kamins,  "All 54 units should be on line for move in on 9/1/15."

Click to enlarge


  1. Are you certain that this isn't in Hadley?

  2. More housing on Olympia Oaks, the building downtown and now Presidential. More firemen? Cops? Parking? Congestion issues? Nahhh

  3. Well Chicken Littles, was that so hard? Crisis over, move along.

  4. Larry, I'm not so certain the westernmost building is in Amherst.

    That's "C", "H" and "J" Sections of North Village on the right, and behind that are powerlines that I know are in Hadley, along with an access road that runs from NVA to the parking lot behind Mullins, also in Hadley.

    If it actually is in Amherst, that building is either on or damn close to the Hadley line.

  5. If the Special Permit was issued by the Amherst Zoning Board of Appeals then it's in Amherst.

  6. Not if the board was mistaken.

    Find that end piece of land on an Amherst tax map. I've tried...

  7. The Amherst-Hadley border runs was-west there, a few hundred feet south of NVA - check it out using Google Maps if in doubt - that's what I just did… and those new buildings appear to be in Amherst.

  8. It's a fake photo
    Mary Wentworth told us that Presidential Apts and Olympia Place were on hold.
    I believe Mary, not some drone.

  9. Now don't go hurting my little drone's feelings.

  10. Its an undercover solar farm!

  11. I grew up in Presidential Apartments in the 70's. I went 1st through 6th grade to Marks Meadow, then bused 3 years from Presidential to the Junior High.

    Remember that the roughly north-south border between Amherst and Hadley juts suddenly west in that vicinity. In fact, I seem to recall a granite border marker, marking that corner, just south of the third building on the south-side of the complex's road. (I think that building was named for James Madison, but I'm not sure).

    I also remember going out into the UMass-owned (?) field, and removing stakes that some surveyors placed there as prep for the "Northeast Bypass" that never got built.

    I hope the statute of limitations has expired :)
