Saturday, May 2, 2015

Sunny Saturday

24th annual Amherst Ultimate Frisbee Tournament ARHS playing field

Today is a beautiful day to get out an enjoy some of the cooler things our little college town offers, like the 24th annual Amherst Ultimate Frisbee Tournament taking place today and tomorrow at the Amherst Regional High School and Ziomek Field.

Click to enlarge/read

 Amherst League of Women Voters book sale under the bigtop

And that BIG white tent on the Town Common that 's impossible to miss indicates the other long standing Amherst tradition is in full swing: The annual League of Women Voters book sale.

Yes in Amherst all things paper -- especially books -- are still beloved.

Earlier this week on the floor of Town Meeting DPW Chief Guilford Mooring said the tonnage of paper in the Amherst recycling stream has been holding steady (except for, ahem, newsprint) over the past ten years.

 Cushman Village Center, North Amherst hosting May Day Celebration today

Although ...

Large line of college aged youth forming at Old Towne Tavern at high noon


  1. Ah, a warm, sunny spring day, and a resident's heart turns to......

    Student misbehavior

  2. I did a high-noon tour of the usual hot spots (Townhouse quads, Hobart Lane, Puffer's Pond, etc) and everything was dead quiet.

    Although there was a large line of college aged youth in front of Old Towne Tavern in town center.

  3. Larry,
    Your getting very good with using your drone. Keep up the good work,
    way better then watching the nightly news.

  4. And then the drunken college kids go burn books at the LWV book sale. You'd all like that -- it would fit your agendas so well, wouldn't it.

  5. What would fit our agendas is university students living peaceably and respectfully with their neighbors.

    There seems to be more of that this spring.

    Instead of getting mad at Larry, just enjoy the day. Soon you won't be in college. We love having you around when you're happy, calm, and sober, enjoying the company of your friends.

  6. What would fit our agendas is university students living peaceably and respectfully with their neighbors.

    Like in Baltimore?

  7. What Should fit our agendas is Baltimore and other cities populations emulating the Reverend Dr. King. Who, incidentally, tried to emulate Jesus. (Otherwise the National Holiday named after King has no point.). Non violence in a world ruled by violence. It's still the best answer out there.

  8. Dr. King tried to emulate his namesake, Martin Luther.

    As Dr. Ed tries to emulate HIS namesake... ;)

    Don't go there folks, trust me...

    1. Martin Luther was a Crhristian as was Martin Luther King Sr. Are you saying MLK Jr. ( a reverend) was not?

  9. Martin Luther King Sr was a Baptist Minister. The Baptists are Protestants - now where did the term "Protestant" come from???

    Martin Luther was a Catholic. Initially...

    Not to confuse anyone with the facts....

    1. And protestants and Catholics are...Christians.

  10. Not sure how this got off on this debate but just to be clear Protestants and Catholics are both considered to be Christians. Are you saying that MLK Junior was not a Christian?
