Monday, May 25, 2015

Remembering Those Who Gave Their All

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Almost 200 everyday citizens of all ages gathered at the 60+ year old War Memorial Pool to honor and remember those who gave their "last measure of devotion," so we can enjoy all our days ahead.  

Less than 1% of our fellow Americans now serve in the military, and only a minuscule percentage of them will die in the line of duty.

Not overly comforting for the spouse, parents, sons and daughters, extended family, friends and neighbors of those unlucky few.

So once a year, for all too brief of time, we come together as one to show our appreciation; lament the loss; and renew the vow to never forget.

Never, never, never.

The Parade started in town center under threatening skies, led by VFW Post 754 and American Legion Post 148 joint Color Guard, and wound its way the .6 miles to the War Memorial Pool.

 Color Guard (escorted by APD)
AFD rolls through town center
APD marches through town center
Girl Scout Troops

Hopkins Academy Marching Band

A bevy of blue
Representative Ellen Story addresses crowd.  Select Board and Town Manager seated

The always haunting "taps"
Sacred West Cemetery:  flags dot the graves of those who served throughout Amherst history


  1. Thank you, Larry. Always appreciate those who appreciate the ones who serve.

  2. Thanks to all that serve and who have passed in that service.

    We will try to pick better leaders that can resolve conflicts with more skill and peace, we are sorry for the poor choices of the past that have lead to so many lost lives.

  3. But proud of all the brilliant decisions which enabled men and women of great valor to save and free untold millions throughout the ages. Bravery such as most of us will never know.

  4. Amen.

    -Squeaky Squeaks

  5. Anon 7:37. You would not appear so arrogant and presumptuous if you used "I" instead of "we". Richard Marsh

  6. Probably the most poorly attended parade in Western Mass. for a community this large. It amazes me that people so hell bent on freedom of choice (unless you want to build something or go against one of their ideals, but that is a different banana thread) refuse to recognize those who provide them with the opportunity. Thank you to those few who showed up to support and remember this solemn day. Thank you for making that choice, unlike those who exercised their right to not attend and hand wash their woolen socks.

  7. Memorial Day honors those who have died preserving freedom. Not those who protest war. It takes little to do the latter. And all to do the former.

  8. "Memorial Day honors those who have died preserving freedom. Not those who protest war. It takes little to do the latter. And all to do the former."

    And what freedom is it that invading Iraq preserved?

    Or for that matter, what freedoms do we preserve by having any troops overseas?

  9. 20 -20 hindsight. Astoundingly clear. Why wouldn't Hussein let the inspectors in?

  10. "...ask what you can do for your country." (They ain't makin' Dems like Jack any more.)

  11. You, for one have the great freedom of speech. As well as the freedom not to cleveate Memorial Day. And of course, the freedom to not support the troops. Gee, it would have been great if the Jews had just defeated their oppressors by themsves back in the 30's and 40's. wbo's going to rid the world of ISI? You?

  12. If we did not invade Iraq I would still have the freedom to celebrate or not Memorial Day.

    We are not going to eliminate ISIS and ISIS is not going to invade the US. They may infiltrate, like the Tsarnaevs,but that is an immigration problem.

    "...ask what you can do for your country." (They ain't makin' Dems like Jack any more.)

    Give that line some thought Mr. Anonymous. Mussolini or Hitler would have been comfortable with it.

  13. Hitler and Mussolini didn't invade the US either. America was instrumental in defeating them. With Your type in charge, I guess we would have just sat back and watched. What do you imagine the Obama administration's lack of a strategy says to those who want non-believers dead? Including you. You are deluded if you think the Tsarnaevs were an anomoly.

  14. Defeating Hitler and Mussolini was done while allying with a worse monster, Stalin.

    Keep in mind, there would be no ISIS if we had not invaded Iraq. American foreign policy is dumb and continues to be so.

    Still, if any neocons think the mission worth it, there are recruiters everywhere. Go get 'em Mr. Anonymous.

  15. I guess 5:57 is one of the ones who actually do ask what their country can do for them.
    And vis a vis Iraq, the intelligence was that there were WMD. You, with your great hindsight, would have done--what? Hussein actually did have WMD that he used on his own people. He Said he had them. He would not allow the inspectors in. Again , you would have done- what? Some argue that it was Obama's pulling out of our troops which led to the creation of ISIS.(Incidenatally, it's Miss Anon. Not Mr.)

  16. With my hindsight, I would have done then what I would do now. I would bring home all the troops and planes and ships and let them sort it out.

    ISIS, Iran or Israel, none of them can build an invasion fleet and invade this country. We are only unsafe to the degree we let bad people immigrate.

    "Some argue that it was Obama's pulling out of our troops which led to the creation of ISIS."

    Some would be wrong. There had been an election and the government we recognized refused to give us a Status of Forces Agreement. We demand such a pact when we leave troops in a country. Without it, the soldiers are at the mercy of whatever law is in force.

    As that government was elected, we had no choice but to abide by their decision.

    The intel was faked. The yellow cake was a transparent fraud.

    It was stupid. We lost that war and made things a horrible mess.

  17. You are aware that in the schools here they teach our kids that it's wrong to see bullying going on and not do something about it.

  18. To intervene on behalf of the oppressed is a noble endeavor. Or else we should be teaching the middle schoolers to stay out of things unless it involves their direct interest. Hellva thought.

  19. I am aware that the schools teach a lot of things. I am also aware of the difference of the schoolyard and places on the other side of the world that have little in common with our traditions and don't want us.

    Anyway, that intervention did no good.

    "To intervene on behalf of the oppressed is a noble endeavor."

    Maybe so, if it doesn't lead to something worse and they want us.

    Also, I am assuming you were part of the endeavor, or were you just a chickenhawk happy to send someone else?

  20. "To intervene on behalf of the oppressed is a noble endeavor. Or else we should be teaching the middle schoolers to stay out of things unless it involves their direct interest. Hellva thought."

    Also, please remember, it was not sold on the idea of helping the bullied, but the lie of WMD.
