Saturday, May 16, 2015

Party House Zoning Delays

186 College Street (Rt 9), Amherst

Stephan Gharabegian, arguably Amherst's most notorious absentee landlord, made yet another brief appearance before the Zoning Board of Appeals on Thursday night in his ongoing quest to expand the capacity of 186 College Street from a two-family (8 unrelated tenants) to a three-family (12 tenants), which is how he used it until getting caught last year by the Building Commissioner. 

Senior Town Planner Jeff Bagg expressed concern to the ZBA about the "long periods of time with minimal activity on his part," for addressing concerns of the Building Commissioner about parking, possible wetlands on the property that could be impacted by the expanded parking required, and a 2nd means of egress for the 3rd unit. 

In fact the Building Commissioner already enforced that serious code violation -- a second means of egress for the other two units -- in order to make them safely habitable.

 Stephan Gharabegian appears before ZBA.  Chair Eric Beal (ctr) Senior Planner Jeff Bagg (far left), Tom Ehrgood to his left

ZBA member Tom Ehrgood said rather sternly while looking directly at Gharabegian: "When we issue Special Permits for complicated cases like this and the hearing continues to stretch on, it sends us a bad message,  and gives me pause, making me wonder if you will oversee it properly."

June 11 will be the 4th time before the ZBA

The hearing was continued to June 11 so Gharabegian can go before the Conservation Commission, have an engineer submit a proper parking plan and creating a safe 2nd means of egress for the 3rd unit in case of fire.

Since Eric Beal, who was chairing the meeting, is leaving the ZBA on June 11 that will be the final deadline for Gharabegian to have all the paperwork in order.


  1. Does this location have a history of nuisance parties?
    If not...labeling it as a party house is pretty bold...

  2. Follow the Yellow Brick Road.

    Or in my case follow the link of anything I highlight in white, like "186 College Street" under the lead photo.

  3. And I sign my name to everything, so "bold" is kind of my middle name.

  4. Note three electrical meters -- didn't the electrical inspector notice that the place was broken into three different services for, like, ummm, three different apartments?
