Wednesday, May 20, 2015

College Town Decor

College Street

Yes, you can always tell when our institutes of higher education have finished up the their spring semesters.  Students returning to their hometowns for the summer leave behind over sized furniture that trash haulers do not pick up as part of their normal weekly routine.

 Gray Street

The DPW ends up retrieving four or five couches around this time every year.  Normally they are the ones left on town property in out-of-the-way places where the property owner cannot be identified.

Or in cases like these where the items are close by, the landlord must convince the town it doesn't belong to them or their tenants. (And without drone video it's hard to prove one way or the other.)

 Northampton Road (Rt 9)

Building Commissioner Rob Morra can issue $100 day non criminal fines, but these days pretty much all that is required is for his office to make initial contact. 

Phillips Street


  1. The one on Gray St. looks pretty nice, actually. I'll pay you $40 to drop it off at my house, LK.

  2. Can't strap it to your drone, either, huh. Bummer.

  3. Its not the end of the month yet- there will be more to choose from

  4. Part of what makes a college town a college town, except the part about the mafiaesque building police officer/judge that only jas to "make initial contact" to get what he wants. I have not had a couch as good as the one I got for free in college.
