Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Long Range Plan

Jones Library, downtown anchor and the town's "Living room"

Thursday's meeting of the Jones Library Board of Trustees became a bit more spirited during the "Long Range Plan Approval" item on the agenda, which was scheduled for 20 minutes.

The discussion lasted perhaps twice that long, mainly because Trustee Bob Pam wanted to do a line by line review for possible changes of the document -- both substance and style -- while Tamson Ely and Chair Austin Sarate most definitely did not.

 Jones Library Board of Trustees in the homey Goodwin Room

Pam had sent an email to the group earlier suggesting changes that go somewhat beyond simple editing of typos or style.  And he stated firmly at the meeting that, "It is the long range plan of the Board of Trustees, not the Director."

The Trustees did vote 5-1 (Pam voting No) not to wordsmith the entire document for style or typos but whatever "policy" issues they wish to add or change should be sent to Director Sharon Sharry, and they would then discuss and vote the entire document at their next June 4th meeting. 

The "Long Range Plan" is required for the state grant covering building renovation/expansion project the Jones is now busily moving forward on.

Interestingly the Long Range Plan compiled extensive customer survey results -- 86% of them Amherst residents -- with "lack of adequate parking" being the main complaint (66%) and customer service being the main compliment (63% "extremely helpful.")

  CVS & Town parking lot located close behind Jones Library (bottom front) and could someday be the site of new (real) Parking Garage


  1. Larry, you are drone happy.

    But. I must admit, it is cool.

  2. I usually drive downtown two or three times per week, at various times of day. I never have trouble finding parking. Am I just lucky, or is there a legitimate need for more? Richard Marsh

  3. Depends on the time of day and whether there's an event going on.

  4. I'm wondering whether we can combine the parking donnybrook with the Jones Library renovation melee, so that we can have one big blood-letting and get it over with.

  5. Bangers and mash. That's all this town is. Just a shit-ton of sausage getting made and we all watch it on Larry's blog.

  6. If you really want to see the sausage, including the ingredients going into the grinder, then Amherst Media is the place to be.

    Town Meeting.
    School Committee.
    Anything put on by Town Meeting Coordinating Committee.
    All cameo appearances by Vince O'Connor.

    You'll want to run off to the next screening of Eraserhead or Clockwork Orange after just a few minutes.
