Tuesday, April 14, 2015

UMass HazMat Incident

AFD Engine 2 (the quint) on scene UMass Whitmore Building 9:00 AM

Around 8:40 this morning a leaking UPS battery caused a massive response by AFD, UMPD and Enviromental Health & Safety units to the Whitmore Administration building.  One employee was transported by ambulance to the Cooley Dickinson Hospital after inhaling toxic fumes.

 AFD transported one for non life threatening injuries

Whitmore was evacuated, but only that one building.  AFD removed the 6" x 24" lead acid battery, ventilated the building and turned over command to UMass personnel around 9:30 AM.  The building is expected to reopen for normal business at 10:00 AM

Employees were evacuated to the adjacent parking lot

AFD Chief Nelson (far left) took command at the scene

 UMass Environmental Health & Safety department on scene


  1. Can you describe the battery? Like a car or truck battery?

    Do you think the response was in proportion to the incident?

    How did this occur inside of a building, can you speak to the proper use and procedure and whether it was followed?

  2. Well the building is just now opening, and I can hear UMPD saying some odor may linger for a bit but it is no longer dangerous.

    So I don't think the response was out of proportion, especially since one person was transported to the hospital.

    There was also come concern about a possible explosion of the battery.

    Everybody was pretty busy at the scene so I'm making inquiries now as to what type of battery and how it came to be in the building.

  3. I work in the office where it happened, it was likely the battery pack from a UPS that malfunctioned. The person brought to the hospital is shaken up but according to EH&S will recover completely.
