Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Student Town Advisory Board

Amherst Select Board voted Alisa Brewer new Chair, Doug Slaughter missed 1st meeting due to illness

Town Manager John Musante told the Amherst Select Board last night that he was bringing together student government appointees from all three institutes of higher education to meet with key town departments -- Police, Fire, Board of Health, Chamber of Commerce, etc -- to talk about issues impacting students, our #1 demographic.

Mr. Musante said he hoped the committee charge would be completed soon and the first meeting held before graduation day.  The group would meet "a couple times per semester."

The collaborative idea was not an offshoot of the $160,000 Davis Report on how to avoid another Blarney Blowout and not to be confused with University Town of Amherst Collaborative (UTAC) dreamed up by the $60,000 town/gown consultant as an offshoot of the Town Gown Steering Committee.

The Town Manger said it was the brainchild of the outgoing UMass Student Government Association President Vinayak Rao, who has been proactive with improving relations between the town and UMass students over the course of his one-year reign. 

 Vinayak Rao (rt) Amilcar Shabazz (ctr) Jacob Schissel (left)

1 comment:

  1. A very good idea. There's been too much demonizing of students. Instead of just focusing on the small number of trouble makers, let's show the huge majority of great students that we care about their opinions. Kudos to Musante.
