Wednesday, April 29, 2015

No Means No!

Fade post (needs more up votes!)

In the early morning hours of Saturday, March 28 UMass police responded to a reported sexual assault that occurred on Phillips Street, immediately adjacent to the campus.

Because the victim, a college aged female, was also ETOH (overly intoxicated) she ended up at UMass Health Services and, as a result, required transportation by AFD to Cooley Dickinson Hospital.

Since the (alleged) assault occurred on Phillips Street, which is town jurisdiction, UMPD instantly turned over the matter to APD.   Although my reliable source seemed to doubt the victim would file a criminal complaint, partially because of the alcohol involvement.

And that's seems to have been the end of it.

Yes, this horrendous act occurred on the very weekend the jury was still out deliberating the fate of Emmanuel Bile, accused of participating in a gang rape at a UMass dorm, where the victim was clearly intoxicated but could still telegraph the concept, "No!"

After an outstanding job by the prosecution Bile was found guilty, in spite of the prominent role alcohol played in the horrific incident.

So I find it beyond appalling that a major corporation with an advertising budget as BIG as a third world country's GDP would highlight/promote the more nefarious aspects of alcohol consumption.

An insulting ad campaign that endangers women by painting a giant target on them, with Bud Light being used as the weapon of choice.   

And even insulting to men by suggesting the only way they can successfully find a sexual partner is if she's out of her mind drunk.



  1. And it is crappy beer.

  2. That is 'photo-shopped'.

  3. Yeah, that's what I thought at first ... until I saw the NY Times article covering it.

  4. I like the beer, never saw that on the label.

  5. Apparently it's new, but has now been cancelled.

    The bottles already in the marketplace will probably become collectors items.

  6. It's pretty clear that Bud knows its target market.

    According to the internet most of the people outraged about this are college-age. That's good, but as the saying goes there is no such thing as bad publicity.

    I'm sure Bud Light will continue to be popular among the youngsters. They think it is the beer not making them fat when in fact it is their age. Sigh.

  7. First, HIPPA doesn't apply -- FERPA does. That's a fact, not a nice one but a fact here -- her medical record is NOT protected by HIPPA per HIPPA.

    Second, when you are so drunk that AFD has to haul you to CDH to, literally, save your life, why do you bear no responsibility when something bad happens to you?

    Third, who says the guy wasn't equally drunk?

    Fourth -- and this is Camille Pagalia and not Dr. Ed saying this -- how would this be different if she'd made an equally stupid choice and got into a car -- and put it around a pole or worse...

    She'd be a *criminal* in that case -- yet it is an equally bad choice.

    What the hell is wrong with telling young ladies not to get drunk out of their minds? Larry, why aren't you saying anything about HER decision to GET DRUNK IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!?!?!

    Now I personally can't comprehend why someone would want to have sex with a drunken, likely semi-unconscious woman -- and once essentially "poured" someone back into her "little black dress" because anything else would have been "wrong" as I, personally, define "right & wrong."

    I mention that because I am not justifying what the man allegedly did, but because I still don't understand how supposedly independent adult (women) can't/aren't expected to exercise a scintialla of common sense relative to their own wellbeing.

    Folks, this isn't Saudi Arabia -- we consider women to be the equal of men -- that means that they have to exercise some responsibility for their own well being. Yes, rape is a crime -- but so is theft -- and you don't leave a stack of $100 bills on the dash of your parked/UNlocked car, do you? You don't even leave the key in it, do you?

    Larry, if one of your girls got so drunk that she became an ETOH Transport to CDH, would you or would you not be upset that she did that? Enough said?

  8. Larry -- off target but worthwhile I argue -- this Inside Higher Ed piece about Scott Walker's plan to force UW Profs to actually teach..

  9. Larry, thank you for taking a position on that outrageous bottle label.

    How many levels of corporate bureaucracy did that go through with no one saying "Um, maybe this is not a good idea"?

  10. Too many. Even one would have been one too many.

  11. This beer obviously sucks and so does anyone who drinks it.

    1. And sodas anyone who says what you said about anyone who drinks.

  12. Unfortunately that wasn't what the ad campaign was about but these days everyone has to read into everything and find something wrong. It was part of over 100 slogans printed on product to suggest having a good time, that's all. Not rape, not anything else, just being responsible and having a beer.

  13. Women do not own the concept of saying no or not. The concept of saying no or not can be applied to many things, especially yes or no questions, most of which have nothing to do with getting your partner drunk to ease their inhibitions....even though that is why most people get drunk.

    1. Yes. The ad references removing 'no' from "your" vocabulary . Not 'hers." Or " his" for that matter.

  14. We live in a society that automatically assumes that men are perpetrators. Unfortunately that is not the case. Women perpetuate just as many crimes against males. Look at the current education system in this country that has no less than two female teachers arrested each week for using alcohol so they can have sex with students. Men are not perpetrators by birth and making so many assumptions and false accusations from a few words on a beer can shows how distorted reality is and how ignorant people are.

  15. I'm still waiting for an answer to my question of why the hell no one is willing to tell young "ladies" that wearing micro-miniskirts (without underwear), getting drunk out of their minds, and passing out unconscious on the floor is a BAD IDEA!

    I'm neither a fan of bullies nor of predators, but unless we wish to live in a segregated society like Saudi Arabia, where women are cloistered for their own protection, we have to expect women to do at least something on their own behalf.

    Never forget that the Taliban was initially organized in response to the very real problem of women being raped in Afghanistan. Their solution, of course, involved Burkas and the rest, and that is something that I suggest women think about -- the price of freedom includes the obligation to exercise that freedom responsibly.

    The American woman of today has a level of independence and personal freedom that is historically unprecedented. That's a good thing -- but it also places some responsibility on her, responsibility that women in much of the world *today* would *LOVE* to have.

  16. Dr. Ed is wrong.

    This case has nothing to do with FERPA. FERPA has to do with the release of a student's educational records. Larry Kelley did not ask for educational records and the Town of Amherst has no access to such records, nor are such records salient to this case.

    With regard to the release of medical records, the Town is correct that HIPPA prohibits the release of these.

    It is a HIPPA issue, not a FERPA issue.

  17. Boy are you all a bunch of self-righteous judgmental A-holes. If anybody burns in Hell, it will be all of you, led by Kelley. Learn from your neighbors and quit constantly trying to find fault in everything. "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

  18. And Cowardly Anon Nitwits should sign their name if they wish to be taken seriously.

  19. "FERPA has to do with the release of a student's educational records. Larry Kelley did not ask for educational records and the Town of Amherst has no access to such records, nor are such records salient to this case.

    Perhaps "Citizen Sane" might want to read the h&HS regs which EXPLAIN HIPPA and how folks should comply with it????

    If she's a student and her UM insurance paid AFD for the ambulance run, her medical records of that run do NOT come under HIPPA, per HIPPA, and H&HS explains this at length on their website.

    I think this is bullshit, it's only part of why I long ago made the decision that were any woman whom I cared about to be raped, she'd go to the hospital in Brattleboro, in my vehicle. But it also both fact and reality.

    If HIPPA applied, no one would have been able to tell Tean Enku that she was drunk. Think again...

    OK, maybe it is CDH and not AFD, but the personal medical records of each and every one of those ETOH transports is given to ACT!

    HIPPA does not apply...

  20. Yeah completely innocent.

    Which is of course why they nixed the campaign in a New York minute.
