Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Danger, Danger!

David Rempp, age 23, hangs his head as he listens to victim testify

After giving sworn testimony of a violent domestic assault including punches to the face, kicks to the body, and wanton destruction of property with an aluminum baseball bat, prosecutor Matt Russo asked the victim how she would feel if her attacker were released on bail today?

The woman hesitated ... but then tearfully responded, "I can't say I'd feel safe.  He needs mental help.  I'm worried about him that way."

During her recounting of the altercation that took place at the Amherst residence she shares with her 16-year-old son, the victim states Rempp had told her he was "tired of living."

He then took two bottles of sedatives (60 pills), although he was the one who called the crisis center in Northampton to report the overdose.

Amherst Police patrolman Felipe Feliciano testified that Rempp, who he recognized from Craig's Place Homeless Shelter, was sitting on the front porch steps alone when he first arrived.

The victim, who was crying, had a swollen right eye and her bedroom was in disarray.  A fish tank and dresser mirror had been shattered and there were three holes in the drywall caused by a bat.

In closing arguments the prosecutor pointed out Rempp had a history of physical abuse and exhibited mental health issue to the point where he's "not all there all of the time."  He is "highly erratic, a danger to innocent bystanders as well as himself."

The Assistant District Attorney further underscored that danger by citing previous Assault & Battery convictions in 2014 (which he was still on probation over) and 2009.  And even as a juvenile a conviction for A&B with a dangerous weapon back in 2008.

He requested the Judge find in favor of the Commonwealth on this Chapter 58A dangerousness hearing.

The public defender pointed out a restraining order was already in effect so the Judge could simply extend the order and require his client to seek mental health treatment.

 David Rempp (bright pants) stands to hear Judge Payne's decision

Judge John Payne said he was "troubled by the nature of events, especially the level of violence."  Then looking directly at Rempp the Judge declared, "I don't feel comfortable releasing him; I find in favor of the Commonwealth."

David Rempp, with hands and feet shackled, was escorted from the Courtroom.  He will be held without bail at the Hampshire County House of Correction until his next District Court appearance May 7.


  1. I just feel that SOMEONE should comment on this post... might as well be me.

    This guy is scum. Terrorizing a woman with a baseball bat, then pulling a "oh, poor me!" sob story. Hey, I get it that people are depressed and that mental illness is real. But when it results in violence towards women... sorry, my sympathy is nowhere to be found.

  2. Thanks.

    I think everybody was glued to their TV, smartphones or tablets today awaiting the Hernandez jury results.

  3. Less time at bars, more time behind bars.

  4. Its seems this time the courts got it right. You know what they say, "second times a charm".

    Why this wasn't done the first time is beyond me.
