Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Better Off Dead?

Rout 9 Diner now defunct

The Gazette seems to think the ("self inflicted") death of this diner can serve as a role model for the restaurant trade on how not to do business.  Fair enough I suppose. 

But I still have not heard a single source say the boorish behavior some employees were accused of back in October continued unabated for the last five months up until Monday when the business suddenly closed their doors.  Forever.
 Today's editorial
 Since the "self inflicted" wounds proved fatal, do we declare it a suicide?

So did the Attorney General's office really need to come in guns blazing? 

Especially since their involvement seems to be simply handing off the matter to the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.  

Considering the pace MCAD ambles along at most of the "young women" who worked at the establishment and were subject to bad behavior would see a settlement right around the time they are eligible for AARP.

Now, everybody gets nothing.


  1. We are supposed to believe that women were being sexually assaulted there for a DECADE before any of them said anything?

    I have this bridge in Brooklyn that is for sale....

  2. That's like saying they've stopped robbing banks so there's no need to prosecute the robbers. It doesn't work that way.

  3. Nobody is getting prosecuted.

    Especially now.

  4. Sadly, today's feminist moment has created a false rape culture in this country and once these fem-nazies are on the warpath, no logic will prevail. It's always sad when men and women are sexually harassed. It's even sadder when only one side of a story is perpetuated. "Law and Order SVU" addressed the subject last night mimicking the false rape claim by a college student that occurred at the University of West Virginia and the outside push by feminists to make it a story. Thankfully, many women are quitting today's feminist movement citing how wrong a turn it took many years ago and how much it hurts women.

  5. So, what are you saying, 6:57 am? Is it:

    1) When people say that they were cornered and groped in the walk-in cooler while someone outside turned off the light, you don't believe that actually happened?

    or is it:

    2) These events did occur, but the people who experienced them should just get over it while the perpetrators are allowed to continue with the same conduct?

  6. Neither of those too Nina. Since you only know one side of the actually story, explaining things would be a waste.

  7. Oh, I think the story is pretty clear. I don't think these women were luring the cooks in the cooler. The cooks are not the victims, and the owners did not treat their complaints as serious.

  8. "Sadly, today's feminist moment has created a false rape culture in this country and once these fem-nazies are on the warpath, no logic will prevail"

    You're no better than these Freezer Creepers. You obviously, painfully, don't "get" womens' rights or feminism.

    1. Hi everybody. This is just a small taste of what's to come if Hillary gets voted in. Just as race became the main thing we hate each other for under BHO, sexism will be the dividing point under HRC. Oh, God. Won't it be fun? Imagine.

  9. I'm seeing no mention in the press coverage of just what became of former ADA Liz Dineen's in-house investigation.

  10. 10:03 AM,

    If you want people to know another side, why don't you say what that side is?

    Otherwise, I don't see the point of your comments. You are calling for logic to prevail, and yet you offer none.

  11. I've worked in food service in MA since the 1970s. Sadly this kind of sexual abuse is as old as that, and well tolerated, if not promoted, by the owners as long as their bottom line doesn't suffer. Verbal complaints didn't stop the abuse (they never do, one of my colleagues was raped in the pantry by a prep cook after cleaning up late one evening. She quit the next day.) Clearly security cameras did nothing to protect the female employees either.

    No, it was only when one female employee had had enough and took her story to the internet that people took notice. Obviously the only way this is going to work is by reporting it on the internet.

    Think "Red Letter". A public shaming is the only thing that works.

  12. Exactly. Behold the power of the Blog.

    But that's my question: Did it work back in October when the story broke all over the Internet?

    And if so did the Attorney General really need to get involved FIVE MONTHS LATER.

    1. Those you intend to shame probably don't read the blog. Why would these women not go to the police? Tough to prove the charges?

  13. Hate to tell you but this isn't the 1970's anymore. Sorry about what happened THEN but that was then and this is now.

    Nina, what the hell do you think would happen when one of Larry's "little girls" came home in tears and told him that someone had tried to rape her at work? Or had.

    For that matter, what would happen if one of your students told you about something like this? YOU would do nothing -- I doubt it.

    Oh, yes, pretend you don't read this -- yes, sure, you can't stand to know what it is I said about you so you will...

    And was there anything along the lines of anything but a supportive hearing of those October stories? Women, being intellectually equal to men, are every bit as able to lie as men are. Anyone remember what happened (actually DIDN'T happen) around the campus pond back in 1999-2000?

    I'm thinking this more a case of bullying a business owner who turned around and said "screw it" and simply shut the business down.

    I don't think Larry is the only parent of a teenaged daughter who would be somewhat unpleased to hear about stuff that is alleged -- QED...

  14. Once Ed gets involved, I've forgotten what the argument was about.

  15. Ed is leaving out that none of the owners of the diner ever denied that the harassment happened. It is not in dispute.

  16. 0h really?!?!?

    Looking into something is a far cry from admitting that it happened -- and according to the US Supreme Court, you are only liable if you let it continue after learning of it.

    And do we want to document the allegations? Perhaps with findings of validity?

    Oh, and for the paranoid:

  17. 0ne more thing -- not denying something now constitutes proof that it happened?

    OK, since (name a scientist) hasn't denied my personal allegation that global warming doesn't exist, the fact that it is all a fraud "is not in dispute"?

  18. Why would these women not go to the police?

    After what I saw the UMPD do to one woman who did, I can't imagine why...

    But what I truly have trouble with is that they didn't go to anyone else, either. Nor, apparently, did they tell anyone about it -- nor did anyone overhear them talking about it.

    Folks, young women like to talk. If none of them talked about it, other than the one time it was happening, my guess is, ummm....

  19. Ed has been so many places and seen so much, and knows so much more than the rest of us. Is it possible that he is actually........God?
