Friday, April 24, 2015

Arbor Day Dilemma

All trees marked for death have 8.5" by 11" tree hearing notice attached

As usual when a choice has to be made between perfectly placed pavement and living breathing trees, it's the trees that end up taking a fall.

In spite of all the good they do -- sucking up storm water, absorbing carbon dioxide, and providing a shaded respite from summer sun -- the safety needs of pedestrians walking along busy Pine Street comes first.

The Planning Board & Tree Warden will hold a joint "Scenic Road Public Hearing" on May 6  to confirm the removal of ten trees currently standing a tad too close to Pine Street, a renovation project that has dragged on far too long for most area residents.

A new sidewalk is the main cause of the death sentences.  The majority of the trees are past their prime, but a few will no doubt be missed. 

And not just by the Lorax.

Amherst Town Hall:  Promoting Green


  1. Amherst trees marked for death always bring out the most imbalanced of our citizens trying to save them by any means necessary. Yet, those same people who hear the "the call to arms" over the imminent sound of chainsaws never seem to think about the vast amounts of logging and forest management in the entire New England region. But Amherst trees...oh no!

    A few trees removed in Amherst do not equal an ecological catastrophe. Nor, will it mar our scenic college town appeal. It will be interesting to see which of our educated populace makes their voice(s) heard in opposition to this latest attack on our green friends.

  2. "Nor, will it mar our scenic college town appeal."

    Well, yes it will. This is how Worcester starts. This is how Hadley strip mall spread begins. One tree at a time. Not only is a tree 'lost,' it is replaced by asphalt, a sidewalk, a convenience store, a liquor store, a strip mall, a mall... Worcester.

    I know my analysis sucks, but you get the point. Larry is doing the work of the canary in the coal mine. This is how it begins.

  3. First of all, some of the trees in the photos look like poor examples of trees, some weak attachments and a co-dominant stem.

    At what point do we put the safety of the motorists and pedestrians ahead of a few trees that will likely fail prematurely because of them being the wrong tree in the wrong place anyway? And when the trees fail or are removed because of hazards and we don't replant because it's to close to the road or under the utility lines we are stuck with a road that us not brought up to modern standards and pedestrians still walking in the road. Pine st will not be losing its scenic canopy because of 10 trees. Geez, Mill River conservation runs along half of it!
    I love trees and Amherst is on the forefront of urben forestry in my opinion. Tom Sullivan for years and now Alan Snow are fantastic at what they do and maybe, just maybe we should let them do there job.

  4. Same situation up north in Greenfield where folks are complaining because the town is cutting down a lot of trees. Of course they are problem trees but no one cares until it hits their house or kills their child. Then they sue. Towns can't win either way.

    Love the 'green' sign. Let's see, the town tried to do solar, folks said no. Now they are raising funds to buy a single battery operated car for the town. Like taxes aren't enough already. Best part is that anyone that switches to "green" power programs will see $14-$23 added to your monthly electric bill. And what are you really doing? Simply subsidizing a tiny industry. It's a scam but Amherst folks fall for scams pretty easy so this one will sell well here.

  5. If they are less than 20', they are shrubs and a different law may apply.

  6. Hey don't knock Worcester. Do you think that somehow the people of Amherst are any nicer because of trees? Seems snobbish to me.

  7. Amherst is a joke when it comes to being "Green". Can't even get solar on a capped landfill. Laughable. But keep telling ourselves that we are "leaders" in everything. At least we all believe it.

  8. Let them go- They should've been removed years ago. The young one near the overpriced condos is the only healthy one of the bunch!

  9. What about the tree actually in the road (as you head towards State St from N Amherst Center) It should have been removed during last year's road work!
    Hope to see a sheet of paper on it!
