Friday, April 17, 2015

A More Pleasurable Puffer's Pond

Puffer's Pond:  Amherst's most popular  recreation site

North Amherst is on a roll when it comes to infrastructure improvements with major thoroughfare Pine Street, finally, finishing up this construction season and the most loved recreational hide away -- Puffer's Pond -- getting badly needed modest tweaks even sooner. 

Having already received approval from the Conservation Commission (the higher hurdle) the modest revitalization plans go before the Planning Board next week and after their approval work can start immediately since the $37,000 budgeted is not FY16 money and will be mostly done in house by Conservation Department employees.

Conservation Director (and Assistant Town Manager) Dave Ziomek hopes to have everything completed by the start of the upcoming swimming season.

 North side rehab: striping parking lot, ADA walkway, new kiosk
North Beach: Cribbing along waters edge replaced to stabilize beach

The improvements span both sides of the pond, mainly where water meets lands edge.  The wooden "cribbing" on both beaches will be replaced and the North Beach (formerly called the "Dog Beach" until a leash law was enacted) will see more extensive work, including a new ADA Walkway and large kiosk.

 The lure of the cliffs will be mitigated by a new security fence

The plan to add more security fencing along the cliffs near the waterfall -- a popular diving spot -- will prove a lot less popular.  Over the years youthful daredevils have trampled the current chain link fence to where it is no longer functional.

The next step after these modest improvements is already in the works as town officials are getting serious about a major project: dredging the pond.


  1. Wonder if the cribbing will prevent me from fishing along the south side, opposite the cliff. It's the only relatively private spot for fishing, and my beer consumption is less noticeable.

  2. Money well spent.

  3. Money well spent indeed. Apparently CPAC funds can't be used for the dredging.

    And fisherman's area is not affected I believe. It is the north side that is falling into the water.

  4. Now if they could only raise the entrance age to 30+, I'd be happy.

  5. Don't trust anyone 30 or under?

  6. great place to go puff, whether you are over 30 or under.
