Saturday, April 18, 2015

A Little Off The Top

Kendrick Park

The UMass Stockbridge School of Education Urban Community Forest Climbing Lab turned out in force this morning to help the town spruce up Kendrick Park.

Bucket goes up about 60'

Today is one of the two days designated by the Select Board as Arbor Day, with the other one being the Sustainability Festival next week.

Professor Brian Kane, head of the Graduate program, shows how it's done 

Amherst Tree Warden Alan Snow is a graduate of the 4-year program with a degree in Urban Forestry so he invited the dozen students and 2 professors (Brian Kane, Dennis Ryan) to come hone their skills on the urban forest anchoring the north end of town center.

Kendrick Park, which was donated to the town, is one of many major renovation projects awaiting funding with an estimated cost around $3 million. 


  1. On next years agenda: sell Kendrick park to the developers across the street. They're going to need more parking, after all.

  2. Um, isn't there another event happening in town today?

  3. Yeah, covering it on Twitter and Facebook.
