Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Can We Chat?

Click to enlarge/read.  Or follow @BlarneyChat (he could use the help)

Fade and Yik Yak are pretty easy to join -- even for folks well beyond their "college aged youth" -- thus giving easy access to the best laid plans of that small minority of party hardy types still reveling in the recent past.

So BlarneyChat, a semi-private chat room, is a pretty good idea.  Only allow like minded Nitwits who can prove they are a UMass student.

Although I'm sure UMass can find some of their "Team Positive" types to act as infiltrators.

And since my friend "BlarneyChat" only has under 10 followers on Twitter, I do have to wonder how many kids have joined his chat room. 

I do have to admit Fade is pretty funny


  1. I don’t understand how the system they have in place is any better than what they did last year. They close 6 bars until 4pm but start a concert on-campus at noon which will end by 4pm. So after the concert if people want to go party they have 6 bars that will be opening up! And for those who want to start early there four bars opening at or around 11am all within walking distance to campus: ABC, High Horse, Rafters, The Hanger with the latter two having plenty of monthly drink specials all within a college student’s budget. It seems all Amherst is trying to do is defect people from the center of town as long as possible hoping by 4pm students will either not trek into town OR already be too drunk to trek into town.

  2. These students are tarnishing my diploma and name with their shenanigans. The Blarney Blowout when I was there, while large, was not destructive. Since when did the notion that destruction is equivalent to success for a party take off? Toss these bums out and send them home.

    1. You've been completely misinformed if you think students want to be destructive. The majority of arrests last year were non UMass students with no regard. Students want to have a good time with their friends like the tailgate this fall. We're tarnishing you're diploma!? I dint know if you've heard but the average gpa acceptance has been rising every year to a 3.8 because of the students. You probably came here when it was a safety school. I'm doing nothing but help the reputation for your diploma. Get on your knees and thank me

  3. I submit to you the entire story behind the Grinch photo:

  4. I hope that person's degree is not in literature, bad, very bad.

  5. I don't know if the young man knows this, but the ultimate irony is how Theodor Seuss Geisel became "Dr. Seuss."

    The ultimate irony is that Theodor Geisel was involved in a "Barney Blowout" of his own while a student at Dartmouth -- the police caught him sharing a pint of bootleg gin with friends...

    Seuss was his middle name (his mother's maiden name) and he started using it as his "pen name" after the Dean removed "Theodor Geisel" from the college humor magazine where he had been the editor.

    Larry, you gotta realize that young people drinking (often to excess) is nothing new -- this was in 1925, during Prohibition when alcohol was illegal.

    And then there is Amherst College in the late 1920's.

    Seems there was a tradition of the Freshmen maintaining a vigil around a campfire and the Sophomores trying to disperse them.

    One year the Sophomores sent "a barrel of gasoline" rolling downhill and into the fire -- something jaw-droopingly dangerous that I saw nonchalantly mentioned in one of the old yearbooks.

    A couple decades later, it was not uncommon for cars driving through downtown to be belted with purple paint -- and this was before the days of water-based latex paint...

    And then there was Harlan Fiske Stone, expelled from UMass for punching the Dean, he then went to Amherst College, graduating in 1894 and eventually winding up on SCOTUS. Enku Gelaye is the Dean today, someone punching her would go to jail, not to Amherst & Columbia Law...

  6. Anon 7:26AM -- The book was written in 1957, the TV animation done in 1966 -- at least the latter is an inherently political statement about the Cold War.

    The Grinch was the Soviet Union, his dog was East Germany, often seen as a Soviet lapdog. The Soviets did not permit Christmas and the contrast between East & West Berlin was well known, as was the fact that it was some 110 miles behind the Iron Curtain.

    I may be giving this young man way too much credit, but he's making a very interesting political statement here if you think about it.

    1. The Soviets had nothin' on Amherst, another hotbed of Communism. Lol. They don't permit Christmas here either!

  7. Waaay too much credit.

    We Townies have nothing against the kids' partying and even drinking to excess. What we ARE against is when the party becomes a public health hazard. Crowd behavior, whether burning cars, hurling bottles, or inciting small fights which become melees, cannot be tolerated.

    UMass should have entertainment starting at 3 p.m. going until the wee hours. And they should take orders and money and "cater in" ribs and wings from area merchants. There are plenty of students who don't NEED the alcohol.

  8. The Juggernaut - these bums do get kicked out but then are allowed back in afterwards as if nothing ever happened. Is sickening

  9. Honest proposal here:

    What if the so-called "Blarney" gathering took place ON CAMPUS- in. Very similar fashion to the Tailgate at homecoming that resulted in LOTS of drinking and about zero arrests.

    Students will be happy because they can gather and drink without being pepper sprayed.

    Amherst residents and apartment owners will be happy because there won't be huge crowds off campus or the risk of destruction of property.

    The state police handled the tailgate wonderfully and you even commended the event in a previous post.

    Of course safety measures would need to be in place, but with one central location police and paramedics won't be stretched thin across the entire town.

    The school likely will never promote this option because they are so damn worried about their "reputation" but in reality there are some much more prestigious schools which party a whole lot more than the UMass campus does on an annual basis.

    Bring Blarney on-campus and I think you will solve the majority of problems that exist for everyone involved.

  10. Can I just point out that "digital barf bags" is actually funny. Larry actually made a funny. Amazing.

  11. Social Media is putting Blarney at Lott 25 near Mullins Center.. appears to be a win win as long as UMPD allows it!

  12. "these bums do get kicked out but then are allowed back in afterwards as if nothing ever happened. Is sickening."

    I agree -- what offends me is how it is who you are and not what you do that matters the most.

    The kids without political connections and deep pockets get screwed. Team Enku runs roughshod over student rights, but I'm told that it was daddy's $30K donation to UM that got one schmuck back in.


  13. Social Media is putting Blarney at Lot 25 near Mullins Center.

    Isn't that where the Parking Services trailers are? Aren't the students rather upset with Parking right now? Hmmmm...

    By the standards of this winter, It's going to be a nice day -- RIOT!!!!

    Like an alcoholic, UMass has to "hit bottom" before it has any chance of recovering.

    1. I bet some of these kids aren't even Irish! Lol. Hey, how about that finding that "Hands up, Don't Shoot!" was proven to be a lie? Where's the blog about that?

  14. Rumor has it they are suspended for a semester or two rather than expelled because expulsion can be fought while suspension cannot be. If that's the case, it makes more sense.
