Sunday, March 8, 2015

Blarney Blowout: The Biggest Loser

It has not been a good week for the mid-30ish cowardly Worcester blogger who likes to relive his carefree UMass glory days, almost as much as he likes to exude snark from under the protective cloak of anonymity.

First he gets outed by an actual professional journalist, and then his childish attempt at taking me down while championing the outlandish aspect of Blarney Blowout falls flat, like a drunken bozo staggering across a patch of ice.

And I was so anxiously awaiting a decent hatchet job.

No, Larry Kelley did not win.  The town, higher education in general, and in particular students who attend UMass/Amherst -- our proud flagship  -- won.  Resoundingly.

Crawl back to your swamp Turtle Boy you're drunk.

Even better, you're marginalized.


  1. So, that's the entire "media feud" where this guy supposedly destroys you? What a non-event. Almost as big of a non-event as this year's BB.

  2. While I generally find racial slurs reprehensible, in this case, I wouldn't object to the supposedly "professional" journalist being subjected to the most vile ones.

  3. Spoken like a true Cowardly Anon Nitwit Turtle Boy aficionado (one of the few apparently).

  4. I think "shameless townie" is something Larry is proud of. I mean, that's kind of his whole identity. Nothing wrong with that.

    Also, LK digs into the details - he publishes figures, tables, charts, analyzes results, makes predictions based on historical data, etc. He does his research. Most of us here likely thinks he goes a little too far on social/moral issues and his indignity is kind of embarrassing, but after browsing TB's for like 2 visits, it's pretty obvious he's just a troll, a bro, an worse yet, patently unfunny.

    I know Larry Kelley's blog, Turtleboy, and yours is no OITRoA.

  5. While I do not always agree with Larry, comparing him to Turtleboy is ridiculous, and Larry finds the details for his arguments. Turtleboy does nothing productive; aside from trying to create nothing positive.

    I imagine he is sitting on a worn out couch in a near empty apartment, playing video games and smoking, wearing a UMass lacrosse jersey and a backwards UMass Beerpong cap. Playing on a tape deck in the background is Springsteen's Glory Days.

  6. In the end it seems like there were no 'losers' Saturday. No major issues and everyone on both sides were harmonious.

    The bigger question is what about next year? Is Umass gong to fork over the money for another high profile free concert? Is Amherst going to fork over money to over staff the town with a police presence? Will the bars agree to open at 4pm again? So many questions ... It may be a bit premature to declare the Blarney Blowout dead. If peace can only be kept with this much planning and use of outside resources the future is more murky.

  7. UMass is picking up the cost for the 225 police officers who flooded the town on Saturday.

    And I would think -- just to be safe -- they will do the same next year.

    As well as a concert (which was paid for out of "student fees").

  8. I think this is something that will have to be in the budget as a recurring cost. I don't think it will go a way in a year or two. it will pop up like a mushroom if they back off. They did a great job, but it's going to require this every year, unfortunately.

  9. May be wrong, but I heard that Umass paid the bars in town to open late. Does anyone else have info on this?

  10. No, not true.

    Last year at this time some folks were saying the bars opened EARLIER than their 11:00 am licensed time with permission of the town.

    Which of course was also untrue.

  11. While the weekend went amazingly well, my concern is every other weekend this spring. Spring weekends have always been taxing on public safety resources and have featured large parties and lots of fights. I may be a.pessimist, but I think it's a bit too soon to think that the entire student culture at UMASS has done a 180. Hopefully I'm wrong, but we should probably brace ourselves for what could happen on the weekends following spring break when AFD, APD,and UMPD staffing is back at its normal level.

  12. . Nice to see temps back in the 50s. Looking forward to this coming weekend.
