Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Walk The Plank

I didn't even notice it yesterday morning when I took a quick "drive by" shot of the DPW getting it done in town center at the height of the storm and posted it to my Facebook page.

But if you look closely at where the UN flag normally is, you can see pranksters had replaced it with a pirate flag.  Flying upside down no less.  The pretty blue UN flag, which was new three months ago to replace a tattered one, is currently M.I.A.

Somebody finally noticed the switch this morning and down came the skull and crossbones.

Let's hope that sagacious town employee also takes a closer look at the main flags in town center:  The P.O.W. flag is looking a tad ratty. 

POW flag looking as haggard as, well, one of our POW's


  1. Upside down? Must be a piratical cry for help.

  2. What would it take to get the UN flag removed permanently? Serious question.

  3. Pirate bay lives!!!!

  4. As the UN flag was put there by a vote of Town Meeting, I imagine another vote of Town Meeting could remove it.

  5. Yep.

    Would only take 10 signatures to get it on the Warrant.

  6. Is the pirate flag from Butterfield? lol

  7. Pleased to report that the tattered POW/MIA flag was replaced with a new one last week.
