Saturday, February 21, 2015

Rescue Me!

 AFD on Puffer's Pond "beach"

Amherst Fire Department had to cancel an ice rescue drill this morning, not because it was a few degrees below zero -- although certainly a byproduct of the reason:  the ice was too thick.

 Can always use it for a skating rink

Half the department had mobilized at Puffer's Pond this morning -- Engine 3, Engine 4, Rescue 1 staffed by Call and Student Force, who huddled on the beach awaiting the breakthrough in ice that never came.

 Gave up after sawing down 24"

Tomorrow's ice cold exercise is cancelled as well.

Meanwhile the ice should be just fine for today's Business Improvement District Ice Skating Party at Kendrick Park from 1:00 pm until 5:00 pm.  I saw lots of firewood stacked by the rink.

 Kendrick Park this morning


  1. Hey, that was Larry Shaffer's bright idea for winter fun at Kendrick Park!

  2. Yeah, but like most things Shaffer he never made it work.

  3. Wow that's some thick ice! I wonder how the old timers made the initial cut when they harvested ice.

  4. With a timer.

    A basic handsaw for wood will cut ice just fine. Then a hook and pry bar and you are in business.

    Only one generation before you and this would be common knowledge. It is also understood by those of us that still use hand tools.

    My family did this locally for generations. We will be back to doing it in only a couple more.

  5. I get that a saw will cut the ice, anon. 10:15, but how does the cut get started--which is what I think Jon was asking? I'm imagining some kind of auger bit that drills a hole in the corner of the cut like what you might do before using a coping or jigsaw to maneuver an internal cut on wood. Remember, we're talking a thickness here of 24". Can't see someone tackling that with a handsaw alone.

  6. "Only one generation before you and this would be common knowledge. It is also understood by those of us that still use hand tools. "

    Oh, let us revere you for your deep, folksy knowledge. Can I educate you on what a "tool" is, in modern parlance? Re-read your comment... bingo!

    Also, you didn't even understand the question, so get off yr high saw horse.

  7. Informative article below. Maybe a feature to add to our Winterfest or other BID sponsored event assuming weather allows. Sounds like anon. 10:15 could volunteer any necessary tools or expertise to make it happen.
