Monday, February 16, 2015

Making A Buck Off Blarney

Fade:  cheap advertising anyway

So I can tell Max Kamin is a finance major at UMass.  Hey what the heck, Eric Suher started out selling t-shirts and look where he is now.  

Although the Anon poster on Fade has a point.  Why post your ad anonymously when the Facebook business link clearly reveals your personal Facebook page?

Max is probably figuring the 4,000 college aged youth who participated in the "debauchery" last year are quite a captive market for a pop up t-shirt business.  Especially when they are "official."

Of course Mr. Kamin probably did not read the $160,000 Davis Report which clearly told UMass and Amherst town officials to "end the Blarney Blowout."

 Yeah, that ought to solve it

And Mr. Davis also strongly suggested town and school officials keep a close eye on Social Media for any reference to Blarney Blowout.

As such, it will be interesting to see how long it takes for UMass officials to "blowout" this Nitwit business.

UPDATE Tuesday morning

And we have another contender.  Talk about a bad marriage:  Blarney Blowout and breast cancer.  Yikes!


  1. Nitwit or not, strong business model. May the sun shine apon this glorious lad

  2. But why must he make so much money? Wait, America!

  3. Yeah, I suppose if Urban Outfitters can sell a fake bloodstained Kent State sweatshirt ...

  4. Why did he put his blarney blog post on a t shirt?

    Doesn't he know he can make more and promote blarney better on blogger.

    Pot, Kettle, Black.

  5. Yeah, March is always a record breaking month for page views.

    And Woodward and Berstein caused the Watergate break in just for the ratings.

  6. Those are reporters Larry, this is a blog where blarney and nitwit are the two most common words. Biiiiiig Difference.

    BTW it is ok to make money off of an opportunity, police, reporters, bloggers and dog poop pickers uppers do it all the time. We all do.

  7. That's pretty funny. I published your comment from the front row of Eastern Hampshire District Court with my iPhone that required a certification as a news gatherer to be allowed entry into the Court.

  8. Free enterprise. If they can make a buck, so be it.

  9. I am a cop....and I want one!

  10. Yeah, I believe you. If you can't trust an Anon, who can you trust.

  11. No matter how much they prepare the biggest factor in preventing a poop-show will be the weather. Last March it was an unusual warm day and also the warmest day to that point of the year.

    If it is a cold, snowy/raining day it won't be a mess like last year and the Davis Report backers can beat their chests and say their plan worked.

  12. "As such, it will be interesting to see how long it takes for UMass officials to "blowout" this Nitwit business."

    On what grounds? On exactly what grounds, Larry?

    Ever read Cohen v. California??? Wiki puts it best: "... the First Amendment operates to protect the inviolability of the marketplace of ideas imagined by the Founding Fathers." Stuff gets sold in a marketplace and people make money saying controversial things -- Ann Coulter gets something like $25K per college speech.

    Hence, on exactly what grounds does the state (i.e. UMass) have the right to preclude the sale of shirts -- an otherwise legal product (and necessary item this winter) because it doesn't like what's written on them?!?!?

    And who knows that the shirts won't be worn for warmth? I am currently wearing one of the "Sore Looserman" shirts that the UMRC sold -- for profit -- 15 years ago, but I digress...

    We have Rap "Music" that glorifies killing cops and raping women -- some of this broadcast on the "public airwaves" (radio), we have video games such as "Grand Theft Auto" that pretty much do the same thing, and now Target is allegedly selling "50 Shades of Gray" theme merchandise.

    Blindfolds, handcuffs and hot oil/wax dripping from an open flame, what could possibly go wrong??? (Perhaps Jeff Parr ought to remind people *just* how flammable the polyester batting used in comforters can be, or how it drips liquid flame and/or sticks to things (people) while burning. Jeff -- I'm serious about this -- I ran into the same issue with burning the US Flag and someone's daughter who damn near lit an AHA duplex on fire in the process, she *almost* got the plywood floor going..)

    We're talking a bit more than a T-Shirt with something written on it here -- and yet the state has no right to preclude the sale of this stuff.

    And, legally, there is no distinction between Enku Gelaye and Charlie Baker -- both are acting under the authority of the state -- both are required to respect free speech rights.

    Go ask Bill Newman (ACLU) why (back in 2008) UMass had no legal right to take down the graphic penis posters (too graphic for the TV news to show) even though they were in a hallway where 5-year-olds routinely played.

    For the record, I agreed/agree with Newman on this. Even though it was I who actually organized the UM Republican Club's "Rally For Decency", I never argued that the RSU couldn't post those unsettling graphics, only that they SHOULDN'T -- a position shared by not only quite a few Gay & Lesbian parents I personally knew/know, but by the folks running the UM Stonewall Center as well. But I digress...

    But Larry, ask Bill Newman why it was wrong for UMass to have the janitor rip down those penis posters -- and also ask Newman about the Porno Store on King Street in 'Hamp and why it does (or did) have a right to be there.

    So how the hell does UMass get the authority to ban the sale of these shirts???

    My guess is that they will do so via ACT which makes this doubly wrong -- not only are they violating student rights, but they are doing it in secret.

    But it is still wrong.

  13. Yeah, I suppose if Urban Outfitters can sell a fake bloodstained Kent State sweatshirt ...

    How about a bloodstained Virginia Tech one? That was an actual Halloween costume that year -- poor taste, yes, but people were wearing them.

    A fake homicide-bomber explosive belt is something else because of people thinking those might be real explosives and hence the "clear & present danger" issue -- the same thing as pointing an empty gun at someone -- but otherwise....

    I am a cop....and I want one!

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if this person is an officer and is serious -- it is something the officer will NEVER wear but would enjoy having tucked away in the bottom of a bureau draw -- I understand why psychologically but can't explain it.

  14. Larry, this is a tangent but I would like this out there -- my involvement in the 2008 Penis Poster incident and the subsequent "Rally for Decency is badly misunderstood I NEVER ADVOCATED CENSORSHIP AND WAS RATHER UPSET WHEN UM DID THAT -- while I couldn't say anything publicly, the UM admin knew that I not only considered what they did to be reprehensible but believed (correctly, it turned out) that the actual goal was to silence the UM Republican Club.

    I didn't defend the RSU's right to post that garbage because it never occurred to me that would be necessary, and I presumed that others would have the guts to do that -- I was exercising my free speech right to call them "schmucks" for doing it. I was hoping they'd have a chance to complain about me to older Gat/Lesbian folks they knew & respected as I knew they'd be told "you know. Ed's right on this one" -- something that they were already quietly telling me. (I later learned that even the Stonewall Center was opposed to what the RSU was doing.)

    I never supported what the university did -- I want that known.

  15. So we have not one but two (and maybe more) sellers of Barney Blowout merchandise. You can expect some good rioting this year for an event that everyone strangely seems to think is a fluke each year.

  16. Blarney Blowout will be no fun if:
    1. Select Board shuts down the bars and liquor sales in Amherst.
    2. UMass allows no outside guests in dorms.
    3. Mutual Aid task force saturates the known off-campus party spots before and during the day to prevent anything from getting started.

  17. Yes, and if the weather is going to be glorious they should also mobilize the National Guard.

  18. Well, since you stated it in bold print, when you put it that way, then ok.

  19. Now as I understand it, the "right to party" is not fully exercised until the Amherst Police put on their riot gear, and not before.

    This time, there won't be any former Boston police commissioner to provide the students with excuses for their own behavior.
