Friday, February 13, 2015

DUI Dishonor Roll

On average 2 of 3 people will be involved in a drunk driving accident in their lifetime

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Wednesday morning Judge Michael Mulcahy entered a plea of "not guilty" for Steven Yarbrow, age 37, and appointed him a public defender at an assessed cost of $150.  His case was continued until next month.

 Steven Yarbro stands before Judge Mulcahy


  1. What ELSE was he on?

    The BAC seems a little low for this amount of disorientation and such.

  2. Guy looks like Dave Van Ronk. Play some St. Louis Blues, man!

  3. Has he previously been in trouble? Name seems familiar

  4. any chance you caught this news yesterday (or care?):

    "the University has determined that it will no longer admit Iranian national students to specific programs in the College of Engineering (i.e., Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering) and in the College of Natural Sciences (i.e., Physics, Chemistry, Microbiology, and Polymer Science & Engineering) effective February 1, 2015."

  5. Actually somebody forwarded me the press release this morning and I have asked my friends at UMass about it.

  6. UMass has since retracted language from the website and will likely change policy around accepting Iranian applicants.

    Frankly, UMass has no right to enforce homeland security's policies at their own level. If a professor wants to extend the offer to an Iranian student, it's their choice. It's the consular's decision whether or not to grant the visa. Why should that even be UMass' concern? Something definitely fishy is going on - who came down on Umass is what I wanna know.

  7. Nothing fishy == just the logical extension of paranoia.

    They started with the Star Chamber known as ACT and went from there to this. It;s how paranoid witch hunts usually progress -- and i am not surprised...
