Sunday, January 25, 2015

Rusty Public Art

Northampton, Old Courthouse lawn, city center

Amherst Kendrick Park


  1. I think we should have Eric Carle art sculpture in the center of town

  2. What is the point of this post?

  3. The second one makes me hear Johnny Cash singing "Ring of Fire" in my head ...

  4. So what? So let's dance.

  5. Anon 5:06 PM

    Does art have a point?

    Does anybody really know what time it is?

    Does anybody care?

  6. Take it the scrap yard and hire some firefighters with the cash!

  7. At least we don't have anything from The Turd in the Plaza School of Public Art.

  8. I agree with Anon 7:36. Amherst should not waste money on this crap when they should be focusing on hiring firefighters. Instead of buying things, Amherst should sell of some of the land (Kendrick Park) that they own to developers and promote development and lower taxes.

  9. I believe "The Portal" in Kendrick Park was paid for via private fundraising.

  10. What about rusty old "Quinnipiac," at the Fine Arts Center entrance?

    What about the Rusty Scupper??

  11. Matured, not rusty.

  12. Sideways bus near train tracks on Main St. Wassup?


  13. First of all, Amherst did not pay for the art. Second of all, they can't develop the land because it was donated to be a park.

  14. Anon 8:36 am
    School bus vs car (no children aboard), no injuries but Main Street was blocked for a while.

    I did cover this via Twitter and Facebook.

  15. The ring might be a vagina but can't tell if it's a real vagina or the ones surgically fabricated so men can claim to be women. Then again if it is not an inclusive sculpture, how dare the town display it.

    1. Enough with all of your transphobic comments....getting old fast.

  16. Wow.. How long has 'transphobic' been a word? I thought that 'phobia' means fear. I don't think the person is afraid of 'em. Probly just doesn't Like 'em. And where's it written that you've gotta Like everyne and everything?

  17. Sad that people work so hard to make a disorder seem normal when most everyone sees it as a disorder. But that is the world we live in where you can't say the truth and reality is altered so everyone gets a trophy. And a phobia is defined as a fear or a dislike.

    1. Normal in this case would be accepting that you're a male or a female. Normal does not mean that abnormal is bad. Just that it's not... well... Normal

  18. Well as Pilate said in the movie: what is truth? Is yours the same as mine?

  19. 3:34, I am not sure who is the arbiter of "normal" but it doesn't matter anyway. If someone has bipolar disorder, does that mean that you get to make fun of them? Just because it's not normal?

    Everybody has some way in which they are not normal. It should engender some degree of compassion and tolerance.

  20. Actually, yes. You Do get to make fun of anyone u like. It may not be nice of you, but yes, u get to do it.

  21. You can keep pushing political correctness to make those who have serious illness seem as if they are normal all you want, but you will still have disease disguised as normalcy no matter what you call it. Bipolar disorder is an accepted disorder. Normal people have it. No one laughs at it, nor did they ever.

    Those that chose to alter their bodies to act like a man or like a women are not normal. Heck, Gallop poll the other day said only 53% of Americans think being gay is acceptable and look how long it's taken to convince that many people that it's acceptable.

    A guy who wants to wear a dress, split hi penis in half, and clip his ball sack is off the deep end. Yes we've heard the excuse, they are women trapped in men's bodies -- laughable to most people, other than the social justice warriors who would make a three breasted woman seem like the new norm.

  22. I don't understand all this talk about rusty pubic art. If people want to decorate those areas that is their decision, but it should remain private,whether it be tattooing or piercing. Although I do think if they decide on a piercing, they should go to a reputable establishment that uses non-rusting jewelry. Rusting could lead to some serious complications that may not be covered under their health care.

  23. You can deem yourself to be anything you like. Doesn't make it so.
