Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Regional School Committee Embraces Digital

Amherst Regional School Committee

The Amherst Regional School Committee voted unanimously this evening for the "alternate posting" option allowed under Open Meeting Law for regional entities to post legally required meeting notices on the ARPS regional website rather than individually in all four towns that make up the region.

The RSC has run afoul of the posting requirements having to cancel  meetings at the last minute because they were not properly posted in Pelham where the Town Clerk only works one day per week.

Member Katherine Appy wanted to delay tonight's vote until their next meeting because the Attorney General letter finding the RSC in violation of Open Meeting Law was not included in the packet for tonight's meeting, even though it had been distributed at their 12/8 meeting.

The AG found found in favor of a Open Meeting Law complaint filed by a former member, Tom Flittie, over the July 14 meeting called by then Vice Chair Trevor Babtiste.  The meeting was legally posted in all four towns but then Amherst pulled down the notice at the request of then RSC Chair Lawrence O'Brien.

Other members pointed out the AG finding the committee in violation due to posting protocol was all the more reason to vote in favor of it now so that the streamlining could begin immediately.

Appy reversed course and said she would vote in favor as long as the RSC took up discussion of the Attorney General's finding at their next meeting.


  1. anything else newsworthy happen at the meeting?

  2. Larry, I just read in a local paper that the Regional School System budget is projected to fall short hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for at least the next four. Not new or surprising news and this year it will be to the tune of $390K prompting layoff discussions. Any idea if those will touch any of the top $100K+ salary brass? My guess is not at all.

  3. If two adminstrative positions were cut, that would save close to $300k in salary and benefits.

    Note that the budget doesn't cover past OPEB benefits.
