Sunday, December 28, 2014

Without A Trace

Kendrick Park 12/26/14
Kendrick Park this morning

One of the sacred principles taught by scouting is to "leave no trace behind." Which certainly was in evidence (or lack thereof) this morning at Kendrick Park in the north end of downtown Amherst.

Yes, after a month on the municipal park selling Christmas trees (or if you prefer, "holiday trees"), a market that has zero demand from 12/25 through the following Thanksgiving, you cannot even tell they were there.

Kendrick Park is a major underutilized gem in the town's recreation and parks portfolio. Let's hope when Kendrick Place apartments opens next fall, Kendrick Park will get the attention it deserves.

 Kendrick Place


  1. I don't prefer. I have a Christmas tree, But thank you Boy Scouts. So nice to see those trees there.

  2. I was actually a tiny bit surprised they had 30 or so unsold.

  3. Reports do collect dust in this town.

    Exhibit A: The report to Town Meeting about fire stations (maybe a decade ago?). Beautifully done.....seemingly lost to history.

  4. There are reports that go further back than 2006.

  5. Most recent one was 2006.

    Chief told me the first report he's found goes back to the 1950s.

  6. Nothing gives the feeling that you've accomplished something than meeting for hours, days, and months, and producing a glossy report with accompanying Powerpoint.

    And then waiting for the task force members to die before anyone does anything about it.

  7. The light yellow house, in photo 1, is rental owned by Joel Greenbaum.
    He (and/or Vince) filed an appeal for the special permits granted to One East Pleasant.
    Bah humbug

  8. Oh yes the park should look great with yellow pee stains and cups and bottles from the students in the Arch projects. They pocket the cash and we get stiuck with the trash.

  9. Oh, the money this town has wasted on reports that ended up ignored. Someone should do a report on that...

  10. I would rather that the students party in a park than in a neighborhood. Honestly, you would think Kendrick Park was a house of worship the way people talk about it. It's a public commons!

  11. The park will look like Townhouse Apartments in the spring and fall. Crushed beer cans and broken glass surrounded by a thousand drunken college students.

  12. Like I said, better in the park than in a neighborhood. I say cordon it off and make it official. Don't enforce underage regs, only unruly behavior. If they want to stand around in a crowd drunk, let

  13. As someone who walks my dog in Amherst 2x a day and goes into Kendrick Park each time I like that it is quiet and not a busy place,
