Sunday, December 7, 2014

"What Democracy Looks Like"

 Coming up North Pleasant Street

A large group of about 100 mostly college aged youth marched from UMass to Amherst center with APD in front and trailing behind as they chanted their way through town center and then descended Main Street to demonstrate in front of the Amherst police station.

 APD Chief Scott Livingstone on scene

After more than a half-hour at the police station they marched back up into town center, over to the Rt 9 intersection, down college street and into Amherst College. All the while Amherst PD, UMPD and Amherst College PD kept their distance, simply trying to stay ahead of the crowd but closing off roads before they crossed.

Around 3:15 PM, after just over two hours of marching around the downtown, they headed back to campus.  

No doubt this is one of but many protests nationwide today over the highly publicized deaths of Mike Brown and Eric Garner.


  1. POP goes champagne bottle!December 7, 2014 at 2:50 PM

    Will the Geryks be handing out $100 bills downtown this holiday season?

    I mean, what these chimps for justice'r really struggling with

    is paying bills.


    -Squeaky Squeaks

    p.s. Unless you enjoy being drained dry?

  2. What a bunch of chumps, I hope they know they are most likely handing out fist full of overtime money to the cops like those in New York and the other cities. Just in time for the holidays.

  3. What are they protesting exactly? They didn't like the decision? Perhaps police should forget about arresting anyone that resists? Seems instead of teaching blacks to respect police and do their constitutional part during their arrest, we should change the system so that blacks can get a free ride and not be arrested if they don't like being arrested. What a screwed up society that finds wrong in a police officer doing his job and supports criminals and anarchy.

  4. What the fck is wrong with you?December 7, 2014 at 5:12 PM

    It ~does~ warm the heart

    to see dedicated monarchists

    at least


    Which is more than can be said

    for the king they placed

    into our white house.

    Fking idiots.

    -Squeaky Squeaks


  5. Maybe they are protesting the APD & UMPD. UM students have more than enough reasons to do that...

    1. Maybe they're protesting just for the hell of it.

  6. No, the Racist Creep moniker was hurled at an anonymous coward who thinks "blacks need to be taught to respect police" and that "blacks want a free ride".

    Creep. You would have done well under Mussolini. You're definitely no patriot.

  7. This blog is America under Obama. I voted for him because I really thought he'd be a great example for Black youth. He and his Atty. Gen. have further divided the nation. Nation spoke loudly in the midterms.

  8. Is there a Merry Maple on the common- or is the tree at Kendrick Park the only tree this year>

    I've been downtown after dark on Sat and Sun and The Common is dark

  9. Merry Maple is on the North Common in front of Town Hall.

    And the Jones Library has a couple as well.

  10. I can name two black men who did not respect the police and who resisted arrest, one attacking a police officer, punching him multiple times, then attempted to steal his gun from his holster, and then charged him. Both men determined there fate. Both men would have been alive today had they simply followed instructions while being arrested.

  11. Esaw Snipes said she believed her husband was “murdered unjustly,” but said skin color wasn’t a factor behind his fatal arrest for allegedly selling loose cigarettes on Staten Island last summer.

    The statement flies in the face of demands for the civil-rights investigation announced by US Attorney General Eric Holder last week.

    “I don’t even feel like it’s a black-and-white thing, honestly, you know, in my opinion,” Snipes told NBC’s meet the press.


    And what was it we were marching about? More mob mentality marching without any real purpose, rather simply because everyone else is so it must be the right thing to do.

  12. A police escort to protest the police. Priceless.
    Do they realize how entitled they appear?

  13. This is what democracy looks like. Peaceful protest. Fought for. Won. Spread to other nations.Treasure it for the amazing right is is.

  14. "A police escort to protest the police. Priceless."

    Actually not.

    My issue with the police is that they are often are a disgrace to their uniforms, that they are violating the oath they swore to when they put them on.

    My issue is that the police themselves aren't policed.

  15. Easy for you to say ... anonymously.

  16. Well Larry, I'll ask this -- and not anonymously -- why the hell does Lisa Kidwell still have her badge? She clearly was shown to have filed a false report in the Minuteman Newspaper incident...

  17. This is worth a read:

  18. Sadly Ed is right, evidence of unethical and illegal activity by police personnel mounts--literally--daily. Nevermind incompetent and ineffective practices such as this recent issue:

    Requiring cops to wear body cameras will likely reduce instances such as this recent event as well, which reveals yet another instance of a cop attempting to instigate a situation and threatening a citizen with "resisting" which would be nearly impossible to refute in a court of law without video evidence:

  19. These are NOT isolated instances that happen somewhere else, they happen daily, citizens are being harassed and their civil rights are being violated by tyrannical cops, who are in turn supported by un-American uniform-loving authoritarian creeps.

    That is why we are seeing major gatherings of American patriots who do not blindly support the state and the government.

    1. It must be hell living in a country you dislike so.

  20. I disagree vehemently with this attitude towrds police. Every walk of life has bad apples here and there; do you ever stand up for what's right with the vast majority of police who do a great job?

  21. Patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings.

  22. Sadly, Jackie, the "few bad apples" are typically supported by their vast majority of fellow officers as well as authoritarian, uniform-loving creeps. For example, why didn't the other cops in this very recent video step in to stop "the bad apple" and to "serve and protect" the citizen whose civil rights were victimized?

    The standard is for departments and fellow cops to make an excuse for "the bad apples" and support their illegal actions, citing morale issues.

    1. You keep calling those who feel differently from you creeps. You celebrate diversity, right? Except, that is, diversity of thought. Talk about authoritarian...

  23. You are so narrow in your thinking. I contend I love my country more than the citizen with blinders on who sees no wrong-doing or room for improvement, or at least shuts up about it and makes believe everything is dandy.

    I bet you're one of those that constantly criticizes the schools while defending every action of our military and police forces. That is what is creepy, that you think the soldiers and cops are what defines what our country is, as opposed to teachers and average hard-working citizens.

    I am a true patriot and you are an authoritarian thug.

    1. As the head of the Senate Select Committee said to Michael Corleone: "We're all ver impressed. Particularly with your love for our country."
