Monday, December 15, 2014

Public vs Private Documents

The Sony Entertainment hack has led to some salacious materials meant to be private suddenly making it into the bright limelight provided by media bandwidth, which many readers probably find entertaining.

Over the past few years I have published more local public documents than all the media outlets combined who cover Amherst. 

And as someone who relishes that role of being first I have to say, I would not publish the Sony trove, even if contained mentions of Amherst (My "Only in Amherst" movie deal is still a few years away).

Sony is a private sector organizer, not some government agency doing harm to the American people.

The materials were stolen via a criminal illegal act.

They are being used to bribe a private company into scuttling a movie that makes fun of the whacko despot of evil empire, and since the hackers probably work for that goofball government, a clear violation of Sony's First Amendment rights.

Do journalists who ethically have their own version of the Hippocratic Oath to live by, really want to be used as pawns by a chubby little North Korean killer?


  1. Remember that there is real racism in Asia -- Japanese atrocities during WW-II didn't help things, but the racial hatreds go back thousands of years, these peoples do not like each other....

    The Koreans don't like the Japanese and Sony is a Japanese company...

    It's not just the DPRK....

    1. Racism is legal . What're ya gonna do? The only answer is for you, yourself, not to hold those thoughts. Used to be you'd heAr it all over the place: treat people " without regard to race, creed, color, national origin..." etc. nowadays it seems all we DO is regard those things. Helluva way to do things.

  2. So funny how LK will not even cover some (relatively) big news happening next door in Hadley, but he'll choose to comment on national or even international issues any time he wants.

    Kind of the beauty of running your own blog, though, innit?

  3. They should send the great wind talker Calvin Terrell over there to bring out the warrior in those people.

    And since they are not Americans, they are not infringing on anyone's first amendment rights.

    Personally, I always thought the Korean women were the best looking between Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

  4. Anon 9:32. Korea has more plastic surgeries than all the other NATO countries, yes including the US.

    In fact, cosmetic surgery is so pervasive, parents give their daughters eye lid surgery for their "sweet 16" birthday. I kid you not.

  5. So what's your problem, Anon 9:10 am?

    1. We're certain about it being N. Koreans who hacked Sony?

  6. Anon 9:10,

    So spit it out, what is the relatively big news. Larry will post it so why not say it. Show us readers what Larry is tragically covering up.

  7. Huh? I was just pointing out the other side of the coin. There's a third side, too. It has ridges. Like your brain. Your brain is a quarter. Headquarters. Larry's got a scoop on APD's new underground bomb shelter... I can't feel it!
