Tuesday, December 23, 2014

DUI Dishonor Roll

239 children died in drunk driving incidents in 2012

Yes it's probably overly disconcerting to be arrested for drunk driving during the holiday season, but certainly nowhere near as disconcerting as the potential carnage these drivers could have caused to innocent folks going about their daily routine at this busy time of year.

 William Zimmerman stands before Judge William O'Grady

In Eastern Hampshire District Court yesterday Shannen Mcmahon, age 22, and William Zimmerman, age 32, had pleas of "not guilty" entered in their behalf with their cases continued until next month.

Zimmerman was also charged an extra $50 fee for the arrest warrant which was issued after he failed to appear in Court on Friday morning as scheduled.

UMPD Statement of Facts


Shannen Mcmahon stands before Judge O'Grady

Hadley PD Statement of Facts

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