Friday, December 5, 2014

DUI Dishonor Roll

APD attempting to perform FSTs on Deborah Mercier, age 21, Wednesday 7:35 PM

If you were out and about early Wednesday night Christmas shopping, attending an Amherst Planning Board meeting, or heading to your local health club, consider yourself lucky you did not run into Deborah Mercier, age 21.   Or more precisely, she did not run into you.

 Click to enlarge/read

An off-duty Amherst Fire Department Captain called Dispatch to report a beyond erratic driver on Snell Street, a heavily traveled cut through to busy Rt 116 and even busier Rt 9.  Amherst police handled it from there.

 Deborah Mercier, all 90 pounds of her, stands before Judge Payne

In Eastern Hampshire District Court yesterday morning Judge Payne entered a plea of "not guilty" and continued her case until December 29th, when she will appear with her private attorney.

Not a great way to start the New Year.  But at least she's alive.

1 comment:

  1. I'll commend the authorities on this arrest -- this is more egregious than just OUI. Furthermore, the observant firefighters had no way to know that it wasn't an Insulin reaction or a half dozen other medical conditions, some life-threatening, instead of OUI.

    However, I do have to ask this -- at 90 lbs, she's a statistical outlier and well may *be* intoxicated after only two drinks.

    We are giving young adults (18-20.999) a dual message -- don't dare drink & drink responsibly -- and expect them to do the latter while we know they rebel against the former.

    Did she even know that her only weighing 90 lbs made her particularly sensitive to ETOH? It might have been included in the DON'T YOU DARE DRINK AT ALL message she received over the years, and that is my point.

    Oh, and just askin -- what else might she have been on????
