Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thank You Veterans!

American Legion Post 148  and VFW Post 754 combined color guard

It's a simple thing really, that we learn as children (some of us the hard way):  saying "please" and "thank you".  Some of us do it verbally, or send a Hallmark card, or buy flowers or some other token of appreciation for someone who went out of their way for us.

 Arthur Quinton recites In Flanders Fields from memory

Today the town showed thanks to those men and women who have served our great nation, going out of their way for all of us, to defend the freedoms we all too often take for granted.

 Town Manager Musante:  "Thank you and happy Veterans Day"

'Twas a simple ceremony, with a nine-member color guard standing at attention, a brand new main flag climbing to full staff while five dozen people sang the national anthem acapella because the smart phone version would not work.

 Perfect day to unveil new main town flag (windstorm damaged the predecessor)

Both Town Manager Musante and Select  Board Chair Aaron Hayden gave a simple thank you, as did guest speaker former staff Sgt. Nathaniel Dunnican, a UMass senior, whose speech was interrupted by the town clock striking the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month ...

Veterans Agent Steven Connor had technical difficulty getting the Nation Anthem to play, so ...


  1. The juxtaposition of our silly, crazy students and our distinguished veterans in consecutive posts is stark.

    In other times, our distinguished veterans were the same age as our silly, crazy students, doing something else entirely.

  2. Thank you and God bless you to all our veterans.

  3. Where would we be without those who serve? Thank you, veterans.

  4. Where were ~you~ Amherst?November 11, 2014 at 5:46 PM

    Count the heads.

    Not many good folks left

    in this ~sewer~ of a town

    is there?

    Holy christ what a friggan dump.

    May God bless

    our United States veterans.

    All of them.

    -Squeaky Squeaks

  5. Thanks. Truly, sincerely, thanks. I spent some time in an old cemetery buried deep in Pelham today and was moved by the still-tidy flags among the centuries-old headstones. Honor is ageless.

  6. " In other times, our distinguished veterans were the same age as our silly, crazy students..."

    They are now, too...

    Do not forget that Brad DeFlumeri served aboard the USS Enterprise -- he wore the uniform in time of war.

    Just sayin....

  7. "...flags among the centuries-old headstones."

    When I did it in 2007, as best I could tell, there were 300 veterans on the UM campus -- and that's why I bought 300 flags for the Vet's Day flag display.

    There's probably more now -- I'd guess about 500 students who are veterans, maybe more.

  8. Yup, it's all about you, Ed. You're a veteran, right?

  9. Only five words of thanks in this section of the blog. I guess that shows why there is such a blog here in Amherst. Thank you veteran for your sacrifice. There are those who say you were paid to do what you do, but there isn't enough moneyin the banks to pay you for what you do for our country thank youagain.
