Sunday, November 16, 2014

Squeaky Wheel

Stavros, 210 Old Farm Road

The illustrious Amherst Select Board, in addition to acting as Sewer and Liquor Commissioners (an ironic mix) are also "keepers of the public way." So if you wish to complain about road conditions, the tire stops with them.

At their hurried 11/5 meeting, just prior to Town Meeting, hidden away somewhere in the Amherst Regional Middle School, they unanimously supported relatively minor tweaks to Old Farm Road.

The neighbors had complained -- probably for quite a while now -- and requested a four-way stop.

Recommendations of Town Engineer Jason Skeels adopted by Select Board

The impact zone is also the entryway to Stavros Center For Independent Living, a BIG social service agency, even though their $1.627 million property is tax exempt.

The old blame it on Bush

Makes you wonder how the neighbors on South East Street are going to feel about the responses to traffic safety concerns they have been getting.

 Or I should say, not getting.

Let them know how you really feel

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