Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Party House Of The Weekend

297 West Street, directly across from Crocker Farm Elementary School

These party house problems are getting fewer and farther between -- which is of course a good thing. 
Alexander Elkins stands before Judge O'Grady

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday Connor Bertram, 19, and Alexander Elkins, 20, both took the typical plea deal offered by the Commonwealth:  Criminal charges are "converted" to civil with one of the two $300 tickets thrown out plus four months probation. 

Conor Bertram standing before Judge O'Grady


  1. I guess I don't understand why we're so lenient with these guys.

  2. Yeah one of them was very concerned about whether this would go on his "permanent record".

    The Judge of course told him that's the benefit of taking the deal, as the charges are diverted from criminal to civil thus no record (as long as he stays out of trouble for the next 4 months).

    So I'm pretty sure if the Judge decided to enforce the 2nd $300 ticket, they would have paid it.

  3. You never learn the lesson, if you don't have to suffer the consequences...
    (Give everyone a trophy)

  4. Agreed.

    Probably wouldn't hurt to ask the state legislature to raise the maximum amount PD can ticket from $300 to $500 per violation.

    With Stan Rosenberg about to assume his high ranking position, it would not be very hard at all to accomplish.

  5. Somehow thinking about party houses is a relief after dealing with racial hatred for many days.

    1. What racial hatred? We don't hate races. It's behavior and actions.

  6. Yes, I agree. I'm surprised no one has yet weighed in about the Ferguson grand jury result.
