Friday, October 17, 2014

What Other Admins Make

Maria Geryk, Sean Mangano, Mike Morris

Just so I'm not accused of being an Irish sexist bully picking on a female CEO by publishing Maria Geryk's five (5) year taxpayer funded contract, here's the other two contracts for recently promoted males. 

Interestingly Mr. Morris gets three (3) years as Assistant Superintendent and Mr.Mangano only gets two (2) as Finance Director.  

Not that I would accuse anybody of sexism because of that.

Also have to wonder in his contract what is meant by "good cause" under the termination heading?  Since his predecessor Rob Detweiler simply disappeared, aka was fired, back in January for what may have been "good cause".

But since the Schools refuse to talk about it, we will never know.


  1. I'm sure you were here for this, Larry.

    April 16, 1979: cross-burning on lawn outside Drew House at Amherst College

    April 23, 1979: students occupy Converse Hall for 8 days, demanding various concessions from administration involving minority programs, which forces President of the College John William Ward to suspend 75 students

    May 11, 1979: investigation finds that perpetrators of cross-burning were 2 black students at the College

  2. Isn't there a public interest in knowing why Rob D. left -- as there was an expense incurred in training his replacement...

  3. Have you met a kid lately and had a good conversation with them.

    Kids today know so much more about the world and how to interact with it than kids of the past (us).

    We owe this to the great group of Americans called public school administrators. Without them, there is no way for a teacher to impart any wisdom to a child. It takes many people to coordinate those teachers and tell them what to do or schools would just be utter chaos.

    For this thankless job of keeping all of this stuff coordinated and from going down the tubes...I don't see any reason to limit the salary of school administrators what so ever. If they request more, they obviously need it, we trust them, they babysit all of our kids AND the unruly teachers below them.

    This is just like the minimum wage, there is no such thing as too much.

  4. Anon 9:56

    You are right on the money. My kids' Amherst friends are warriors for social justice but cannot add or subtract. Their greatest aptitude is in a cultivated feeling of empathy for their fellow citizens, except for the white ones.

    ... Everything is proceeding exactly according to plan!

  5. Heaven, we're in heavenOctober 18, 2014 at 8:02 AM

    "This is just like the minimum wage, there is no such thing as too much."


    We are all

    on the same

    ~vicarious~ page.


    One can almost

    ~taste~ it.

    -Squeaky Squeaks

    p.s. What's that you say?


  6. "You are right on the money. My kids' Amherst friends are warriors for social justice but cannot add or subtract. Their greatest aptitude is in a cultivated feeling of empathy for their fellow citizens, except for the white ones.

    ... Everything is proceeding exactly according to plan!"


    Sad thing is that I'm not so sure that there isn't a plan...

    1. The plan appears to be this: indoctrination. The left-wing agenda, of course. We celebrate diversity. Well...except diversity of thought. That's nowhere to be found.

    2. The plan appears to be this: indoctrination. The left wing agenda of course. We hate America. We celebrate diversity.except for diversity of thought

  7. What exactly do these two clowns DO for their $95,000 per year that all the other administrators can't? And wouldn't it be better to spend that $$$ for two-dozen part-time HALL MONITORS to keep the kids in line?
