Monday, October 13, 2014

Poll Of The People

Calvin Terrell demonstrating the power-of-the-universe-in-a-phone routine to upset parents  at packed 10/3 Middle School Principal's Coffee Hour

Mass email to parents 10/3 (click to enlarge/read)


  1. plz post a link to the survey Ms Geryk (why is she still in office?) mentions here

    thank you

  2. I posted a screen shot of the email she sent out with a link to SurveyMonkey (and I of course took the survey).

    But the link has now expired and only brings you to SurveyMonkey home page.

    Had I been thinking I would have taken a screen shot of the three or four questions asked before submitting my form.

  3. From this man's own resume, it is clear he was in NO WAY qualified to talk about what he did to students. He worked at a department store and a fast food joint!!!!!! His speech may have moved a few people but are we that irresponsible that we hire someone based on a website and don't validate if he even has the background or training to talk to children? Clearly many children were negatively affected.

  4. Calvin has been running scared ever since his debockle in Amherst. He believes that if he can get enough people to send positive reviews it will outweigh the notion that he is a fraud.

    He posted this recently when the shit hit the fan here:

    "CALLING ALL FOR A BIG FAVOR! If you have been in an assembly, camp, presentation, training/workshop, and or mediation I facilitated, please send a short post on: when you experienced this, what you remember from it, how it impacted you negatively or positively, and if it has influenced you in anyway today. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE with a cherry on top send a message. This fall is 20 years I have formally been serving as a warrior for justice, unity, and peace. All input is welcomed. My email is if you want to send something longer. Blessings."

    1. Funny, I've been a warrior for those same ideals for twice as long as Mr. Terrell and no one hired me to say a word. I'd have spoken for half that fee too!

  5. What we should have gotten is someone who speaks with complete authority, who has been thoroughly vetted, whose credentials and facts are beyond dispute, like one of the commenting regulars on this blog.

    These are people who have stood the test of time, anonymously.

    I'd hire Squeaky instead of this guy in a heartbeat. No one lashes out at others so credibly.

  6. I see a ton of VERY positive and glowing comments. Everyone makes a mistake. That does not negate the rest of the good work he has done. I'm guessing the nasty people on this blog will never make the positive impact on any one person's life that Mr Terrell has made on many people's lives.

  7. I see a ton of VERY positive and glowing comments.

    All of which you wrote.

    Everyone makes a mistake. That does not negate the rest of the good work he has done.

    Isn't that what Nixon said?

    I'm guessing the nasty people on this blog will never make the positive impact on any one person's life that Mr Terrell has made on many people's lives.

    Anyone care to venture a guess as to what would happen to me were I to traumatize as many children as badly as Terrell did?!?!?!?

  8. of course there will be positive comments, it's his facebook page! do you think that kids who had a bad experience would be "following" his posts there??
    even a simple internet search brings up negative issues from his past. our administrators must not know what google is.

  9. "our administrators must not know what google is."

    Amongst the many things they apparently don't know...

  10. Administrators always protect each other. They will never admit personal fault. They will only admit procedural or systemic fault. And in Amherst, "new" = "good". Nothing is ever questioned. Nothing is ever admitted. The show must go all costs.

  11. Anon: 4:00

    I'm sure some, and possibly many of the "nasty" people on this blog have had significant positive impacts on many other people. Some more than Calvin, some less. I am also sure that the "nasty" people here have never risen to the heights of Calvin when he made lots of kids cry at the middle school.

    1. Nasty people? Why? We seem to love to demonize those who disagree with us. Like Republicans, for example. Don't forget a Republican freed the slaves.

  12. "They will only admit procedural or systemic fault.'

    May I argue pandemic systemic fault? May I suggest the Andrew Jackson solution?

    Fire absolutely EVERYONE in the Central Office. Everyone including all the secretaries, busboys and assorted layabouts. Fire all the Principals, Assistant Principals, Guidance Counselors, Guidance Counselors/Convicted Felons, and perhaps even Department Chairs.

    Fire everyone other than the actual teachers -- clean house and start over. At this point, I don't see what else you really can do...

  13. I am also sure that the "nasty" people here have never risen to the heights of Calvin when he made lots of kids cry at the middle school.

    I'm reasonably certain I'd loose my teaching certificate if I ever pulled a stunt like Calvin did -- and I'd be looking at a child abuse investigation as well.

    Larry, why isn't C&F or whatever they are called this week investigating Calvin? This was child abuse -- Ch 51A states "...physical or emotional injury..." and that is what I have always been taught in all of the "you are a mandated reporter" sessions -- it includes emotional injuries -- and when you have this many victims, well???????

    Why the hell aren't the child protective people investigating bot him and Team Maria (who *are* responsible for what happens in their schools and to the children in their custody).

    Or maybe they are.....

  14. "Why the hell aren't the child protective people investigating bot him and Team Maria (who *are* responsible for what happens in their schools and to the children in their custody). "

    Because the LAST thing you ever want is Massachusetts child protective services involved in anything involving children. If you thought team Maria was bad, you haven't seen nothing until you've seen these clowns.

  15. "I'm reasonably certain I'd loose my teaching certificate if I ever pulled a stunt like Calvin did"

    What are they gonna do, never let him work at Red Lobster again or take away his employee discount at Robinson's? This guy has ZERO credentials, but he's black and has a nice smile, wears some sort of ethnic garb, and uses catchy "peace" tags, and that is like a light bulb on a porch on a hot summer night to left wing liberal nuts.

  16. What they can do is take away Maria's Superintendent Certificate.

  17. One would think that with somewhere around $1 million in salaries that team Maria would be able to properly research and vet appropriate speakers for the students it is responsible for. The entire team is clearly not qualified on so many levels. What really gets me are the damage control emails, likely penned by the new "Climate Coordinator". Should the top school system brass need to ask parents about the basics in regards to appropriate material for students?

  18. This guy is nuts! flush him from the school system. ASAP!

  19. Larry,

    I think your coverage of this event is great. I was wondering however if you could write something that better shows the pattern of insanity that this story but the latest chapter of.

    What happened to Detwieler, will there ever be justice for Justin's family, have any of the 3 kids (including Sadiq's) who bullied Justin ever been punished and if not will the schools or SC explain to the public why.

    What math changes were made in the MS and can the school prove they have been effective. Of all the programs that were held on high over the last 5 years how many still exist and how many have a proven track record. what about the program Mike Morris started just before they pulled him to central office. We forget to easily what has really gone on in this town.

    It would be cool to see a follow up to these and many others.


  20. "So many stories, so little time."

    Not to be a pest Larry, I appreciate all that you post, but did you or anyone else ever find out about what happened with the dog that bit those kids at Crocker Farm? I know they found the owner. Was any action taken by the dog officer?

  21. Did Amherst College do their research on Calvin Terrell?

  22. Did Amherst College do their research on Calvin Terrell?

    Did the Lesbian Activist now running Amherst College PERMIT them to do their research on Calvin Terrell???
